Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] from [art] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 They want money from the £3 million Gulf Trust Fund to educate their children .
2 A group move is likely to attract attention from the media .
3 Participant observations involves the observing of a phenomenon as an ‘ insider ’ , through contacting and gaining acceptance from the people or groups being studied .
4 Well into the seventeenth century , the Alps were seen as a place where the only activity was shovelling snow from the 45° pastures .
5 It is most important that you get permission from the people you name before you start sending your c.v .
6 She said she aims to use her experience of public relations and communications to help promote the hospital centre 's services and monitor feedback from the people of North Staffordshire .
7 A. T. You always got respect from the people on the ground .
8 Whistle theme from The Trout as drive with carefree panache towards Pratworth .
9 For the wealthy , there 's the garden of intrigue , a permanent display costing forty thousand pounds which was set up last year by a local nursery.Those with tiny gardens and less money could gain inspiration from the series of patio gardens designed for the show .
10 Their leader , Tran Van Giau , used extreme methods to enforce compliance from the people which probably went beyond the policy of Ho .
11 ‘ How did people look after the sick and helpless ? ’ — ‘ Just as I do nowadays : I collect money from the people , and I give it to them .
12 You claim relief from the people who collect poll tax .
13 Analysis and planning are accomplished by collecting information from the people who have it , ordering it in meaningful classes and discussing the results .
14 On the other hand , there was the nationalist theory of democracy , which derives power from the people and not from an élite group of religious intellectuals .
15 The inquiry said economic pressures for more seating had impeded escape from the aircraft , and among its recommendations was to change the materials used in the construction of seats — 48 of the 55 dead were killed by smoke and toxic gases .
16 Major Burrows suffered a great deal with asthma and had taken leave from the corps for a year to try to get control of the symptoms which were becoming chronic .
17 No one expects limousine-comfort from a 137mph coupe but , even so , you do n't get much ride absorbency with either car .
18 At the beginning of the emancipation process reformers had hoped to transfer land from the gentry to the serfs by drawing on the resources of the exchequer .
19 well my Lord previous policy , pass policy holders have been paid , all have to do in relation to the future is very rapidly notify their arrangements , if they get clearance they can then get exemption from the data notification back dated and the problems for the future are resolved .
20 Raiders have broken into a Ferryhill community centre and stole cash from a fruit machine and cigarettes .
21 An individual may not acquire a specific attitude — on how to vote , about race or trade unions — from the mass media , but he/she will derive information from the media which will contribute something to each of these individual areas .
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