Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 BHC engineers came up with a floppier , tapered skirt that allowed them to reduce the pressure of the air cushion .
2 The air quivered , not just far away in a heat haze , but close by me on the parapet , in a kind of vibrating brightness that hurt my eyes .
3 And sometimes , when there were visitors and raksi to drink , he 'd get the red bitch to sing — a mournful , wailing dirge that made us fall about with laughter .
4 Climbing mecca that deserves your respect
5 Would you prefer exercise that allows you to mark definite progress in your skill ?
6 The drivers and utilities supplied with the Laserwave Plus install into Windows 3.1 ( or Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions ) with no fuss — you don' even have to open the DRIVERS section of Control Panel to do the job , as there is an automatic install routine that does it all for you .
7 We have uncovered evidence that suggests she was working in league with famed mass murderer Herman Katz in the Spanish Fork area … ‘
8 And something else — a strange , almost seeking touch that made her tremble inside .
9 I want to play music that embarresses my kids .
10 And that 15-mile trip , cutting through the mountains on a twisting , turning road that has your nerve ends jangling , was a wonderful introduction to Corsica 's stunning scenery .
11 Occasionally we read material that causes us to change our view of the world fundamentally , our way of life .
12 His humour constantly breaks through in asides and anecdotes , as does a delightful and mastering smile that transforms his face like Aegean sunlight on a frowning sea .
13 This feature encourages water that finds its way aboard over the weatherside to slip round behind the after coaming and exit over the lee quarter .
14 In addition , she is keenly involved in Headway ( I 'm the Avon patron ) , the Frenchay based charity that concerns itself with the effects and remedial care following head injuries .
15 At last she found the shop belonging to Dai Jones , it was spread well back from the front door , a long dimly lit store that sold everything from flour and salt to patent medicines .
16 The insects , however , cover it with a protein called sclerotin that makes it become very hard .
17 He pulled her to him , kissing her with a fierce , demanding passion that left her clinging to him .
18 Mr Sugar said it was the machine 's ability to recognise handwriting that set it ‘ worlds apart ’ from technology already available .
19 That is , if you exclude from ‘ physics ’ the glamour areas of astronomy and particle physics , leaving the substantial but hard-to define area that includes our knowledge of solids , liquids and gasses , interactions between atoms and electrons , magnetism , instruments and techniques .
20 Microtek , a well-known manufacturer of low-cost flatbed scanners , has recently introduced software that allows it to act as an OCR scanner as well .
21 Mystery couple , ( they wo n't give their names ) : ‘ They ( The Smiths ) make music that means something .
22 It does n't make sense that does it .
23 Out of a crop of precocious back division talent to whom Scotland will looking in the not-too-distant future , Gregor Peter John Townsend , who will not be 19 until April 26 , presents an amalgam of skill , pace and learning capacity that mark him as one of specially exciting potential .
24 My name is Sandra Forsyth and I was just twenty eight when the events took place that changed my life .
25 It was his gloriously struck header that arrowed its way into the top corner of Leeds ' net to settle that 4th round tie .
26 ‘ It 's partly the fact that she is young and does n't have a completely formed personality that makes her interesting .
27 But a competition has taken place that proved them wrong.Teams from all over the country battled against the clock to change tyres at Silverstone race circuit .
28 I can walk out or , and get erm , you know tonnes of any any shop I can get pornography that tells me that , or tell any man who chooses to buy that magazine that 's it okay to take a women even if she says no .
29 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
30 He seems to have at least gained some contact with his thought-penetration circuits and this is confirmed by the smelly fumes of wood smoke and melting plastic that wriggle their way into the atmosphere of the carriage .
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