Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Still to come on Central News … the patients who say pressure is good for them .
2 THE eastern equatorial Pacific upwelling region is responsible for up to 50% of global ‘ new ’ production and is regarded as a barometer of ocean change .
3 FOREST has never said smoking is good for you .
4 Hedonism , however , is not simply a doctrine that says pleasure is good for you .
5 A proposed directive suggests that manufacturers should not be allowed to refer to helpful recommendations by health bodies ( ‘ The Intestines Inspectorate says fibre is good for you .
6 Trickle filtration is best for minimising water changes .
7 Having well-informed patients who have more control over their care , and who are helped to retain independence is good for quality and is also cost-effective .
8 Even if not in any way competitive , STACK membership is advantageous for the individual stunt flyer , not only for the informative manual , but also for its newsletter with a regular calendar of activities worldwide and tips on team flying .
9 A sideways knit band is good for a button-to-the-neck cardigan or jacket .
10 Placed between the lake and the sea , Mar Estang is perfect for water lovers .
11 The prospect of being flung on to the scrap heap in a period of rising unemployment is daunting for young men with wives , children and mortgages .
12 The distinction between making losses and subtracting value is crucial for exchange-rate policy .
13 State provision is important for many elderly people , not only because they have to rely on a retirement or supplementary pension in the absence of income from employment or from an occupational pension , but also because they need the health and social services provided by the welfare state .
14 One specially adapted bungalow is ideal for a disabled ex-serviceman .
15 When we are fat , losing weight is important for our health but it is also a great boost to morale to feel more attractive because we have managed to shed surplus pounds .
16 Ever since they decided sex is good for you and you ca n't get too much of it , they 've thought food 's bad for you .
17 The justification for this is that established Government is necessary for the existence of society and therefore its safety against violent overthrow must be secured .
18 Assist with any tests required to ensure patient is fit for anaesthetic .
19 It often takes various stages of etching , proofing and burnishing before a satisfactorily completed plate is ready for final printing and editioning .
20 I think life is easier for me than it would be for a lot of working women because of the university creche , which enables me to go to work and sort of see my daughter at lunch time , that sort of thing .
21 The high forward paddling style is appropriate for a touring boat but not for a WW playboat .
22 Most people thinks that 's a very long way off , but in the case of something like health then erm we certainly agree health is good for a very long way .
23 Sign language is difficult for the midwife to use , she does , after all , have her hands full at the delivery .
24 Arthritis sufferers will also find cycling is good for the joints .
25 Perhaps additional opportunities for drug design will become apparent when we identify which phosphorylated protein is responsible for the anti-infarct effect .
26 This automatic wallpaper pasting machine is suitable for use on any stable working surface , is simple to operate , and helps the home decorator to achieve really professional results .
27 NEEDLE WORKS Acupuncture is available for dogs , too
28 But she suggests that psychoanalysis 's contribution to freeing sexuality is valuable for feminism .
29 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
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