Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] and [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If on the other hand , the colony gets too cold , as it may in winter , the workers eat honey and use its energy to vibrate their flight muscles within their thorax without moving their wings , so generating body heat .
2 Eat shit and die you mother .
3 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
4 The groups raise money and distribute it to help those in need , mainly through social workers .
5 The groups raise money and distribute it to help those in need , mainly through social workers .
6 International copyright arrangements institutionalise peripherality and make it more expensive to obtain access to knowledge of all kinds .
7 To save entering the program segment for every program you write , create a file containing the program segment using PipeDream and save it in the plain text mode as EDBAS .
8 You have an urge to taste freedom and desert your owner for the excitement of the wild .
9 At this point you have to suspend disbelief and take your faith in your hands .
10 Perhaps a little fantasy was just what she needed , she decided , mentally preparing to suspend disbelief and abandon herself to whatever awaited her .
11 ‘ These ratings should be a shining beacon to the Government to support research and cease their rob Peter to pay Paul policies , ’ said an Association of University Teachers ' spokesman .
12 Is that not one of the distinguishing characteristics of an institution of higher education , that its staff do , by and large , conduct research and feel themselves under an obligation to do so ?
13 Attending aquafit sessions at Waterworld gave her motivation that enabled her to stick to a diet , lose weight and get her walking again … a great achievement .
14 You really can change your shape , lose weight and improve your confidence .
15 The King approved of this decision , and indeed Lord Stamfordham wrote a memorandum which revealed that the King had seen Balfour on 8 December and told him that , ‘ If Mr Baldwin wishes to resign , the King will refuse , on the grounds that he is still the head of the largest Party in the House of Commons and for every reason , constitutional and otherwise , it would be right and proper for the Government to meet Parliament and leave it to the representatives of the people to decide whether or not they will support the Government . ’
16 a thin transparent plastic coating applied to paper or board to provide protection and give it a glossy finish .
17 The early runs were made aggressively , but initial failure in Tests forced a resolve to tighten defence and give nothing away .
18 He struggles , turning round as he sinks deeper , chunks and edges of ice rearing into the air and making little puffs and fountains of snow as he tries to find purchase and push himself out .
19 In the period immediately before a race it is worth eating something sweet to provide glucose and drink plenty of fluids since in a long race you can become dehydrated and can lose up to 5lb .
20 having seen Frank playing in our Norwegian ‘ premiership ’ — i can only say : this guy has talent and give him a couple of more years on his neck he will become a real threat to any defence .
21 On page 47 of ‘ Yoga Today ’ ( Vol. 12 No. 4 , August 1987 ) an advert for Pranayama Yoga , The Art of Relaxation , stated ‘ it will induce the mind to calmness , eliminating tension and help one to face the demands of each day without fatigue of mind or body . ’
22 ‘ There is no choice but to take an ugly and difficult decision to avert an even greater injustice , and those who cry halt and say there must be some other way , even though every conceivable way has been sought , would carry the responsibility for the even more catastrophic consequences of inaction , ’ he added .
23 Inject foam and allow it to expand proud of the surface .
24 Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and serve them the same way as the fried dumplings .
25 Drain the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and add them to the fat and juices in the pan .
26 Remove them with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a serving bowl .
27 ‘ We intend to continue to increase output and drive our unit costs down to a level at which they are competitive with other sources of electricity generations . ’
28 In a ceremony designed to attract publicity and express their anger about the official media , students in Beijing burned copies of the People 's Daily , the Beijing Daily , the Red Flag and some other journals on 5 January .
29 The president must be given every assistance — political and economic — to cement democracy and make his gamble pay off .
30 It 's also a source of food and sport for Lithuanians who ride and ski in their forests and hunt game and prepare it for the table .
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