Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] that [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is a forest called Haling Heart that covers the land to Gallimaufry .
2 But with England 's great goalkeeper still betraying no signs of his 40 years , except a finely honed judgement that causes the target to shrink before advancing strikers , hopes are high that Poland can be shut out and the points secured that will see England safely through to Italy .
3 The ongoing experiments in this research project are taking place on a network of Unix workstations with a prototype document reuse tool that has a relational database back-end and an X-windows interface .
4 However , despite my aim to provide flexibility in structure , the HyperCard still imposes a primary organizational structure and it may be difficult to extract information that has no relation to the original structure imposed by the author Nevertheless , some links have been made between tutorials which cut across the primary categorization and users are able to move between different sections as easily as moving within sections .
5 There is , therefore , an implied need to provide information that measures the inputs ( resources ) and outputs of individual programmes .
6 Do you prefer exercise that has a high level of excitement attached to it ?
7 For the cartoonists , it 's a daily battle against time , to create work that captures the imagination .
8 an on screen mouse operated facility that allows the user to choose from a selection of ‘ tools ’ to create simple geometric shapes — lines , boxes , circles etc. and to add fill patterns .
9 The Mother & Baby Book of Pregnancy and Birth by Patsy Westcott ( Grafton , £3.99 ) is a clearly written paperback that follows the stages of pregnancy from conception to birth .
10 For example , there is the central/local government relationship whereby central government , as grantor , passes legislation that delegates the responsibility and provides the funding for the provision of various services to local authorities .
11 Making the child molester a Nazi as well is perhaps overstating the point about the monster within us all but this is a cleverly made film that hits the middle market spot-on .
12 Behind us , the patch of scorching crag that blocks the north winds ; sometimes a cloud passes , a white tuft ; hesitates , frays out until … absorbed by the blue air …
13 But the women who have n't bothered with make-up — unless they 've taken superlative care of their complexions — have now got skin that shows the ravages of time .
14 Computer chemistry is an all embracing title that leaves the reader anticipating what is to follow .
15 Bright and windless intervals , ideal for working , alternate with high winds , overcast skies , and blowing snow that keeps the parties tent bound .
16 EGRET has the conventional components used in high-energy γ -ray telescopes : an anticoincidence system to discriminate against charged particles , a spark chamber system with interspersed pair conversion material to determine the trajectories of the secondary electron-positron pair , a triggering telescope that detects the presence of charged particles with the correct direction of motion , and an energy-measuring device , which in the case of EGRET is a NaI(Tl) crystal .
17 I phone Andy and confirm it 's still all right to visit , then I ring Eddie and get the next three days off , tell the cops — they 're based at Fettes , though the DI has gone back down to London , and no they 're still not giving me back my new portable yet — and ( after I 've cleaned the car up a bit ) head out of the city and across the grey bridge in a day of squally , buffeting rain that has the bridge 's 40-limit signs on , high-sided vehicles banned and the 205 dancing its Dunlops sideways as the gusts hit .
18 The New York Times , The Washington Post , and The Philadelphia Inquirer have filed suits demanding public access to working meetings of the National Council on the Arts , the twenty-six member presidentially appointed group that advises the Endowment on grant applications .
19 The simplest atom , hydrogen , consists of a single electron encircling the nucleus which has a single positive charge ; the positively charged particle that comprises the hydrogen nucleus is called the ‘ proton ’ .
20 Sleek and colourful before the mirror in the bathroom , Tod feels pride that has a wince or a flinch in it .
21 It has also been argued that the small mouths of the giants simply could not have downed enough food to support a warm-blooded metabolism , particularly plant food that needs a lot of processing before it becomes available as energy .
22 The Activity Book will provide activities based around these news items including reading material that parallels the TV items drawn from the local and national press .
23 Professor W. F. Grimes in his essay ‘ The Archaeology of the Stamford Region ’ in The Making of Stamford suggests that ‘ the inscription on the recently erected pillar that marks the Roman crossing on the Welland ought to be replaced by one which does less violence to the facts as they appear to be . ’
24 The basic feedstocks like ethylene and BTX are outright commodities , in that one producer 's material is identical to another 's in its manufacturing so it is marketing expertise that gives the edge .
25 I am in the middle now , too old to have hair that remains an unadulterated chestnut , too young to feel entirely comfortable with going grey .
26 Manchester United fail to win the Championship for 25 years in a row , but attract the biggest crowds of all ; Everton supporters turn up in their thousands week after week , ignoring the better , winning team that plays a matter of yards away ; the absence of Gascoigne and Lineker will not deter the Tottenham faithful .
27 He did not mention that one definition of a composer 's talent is that he can write music that compels an audience 's attention .
28 Nippon DEC also announced the other day that it has developed and will be distributing software that interfaces the DEC VAX series with NEC Corp 's APEX 2400 and APEX 7400 series of PABXs .
29 There is a hive of activity at Douglas Reyburn , the Kilmarnock based spinning and dyeing company that supplies the group with carpet yarns .
30 Only about 2,000 of the 23,000 companies in America that have annual sales of $35m or more can hope to issue debt that wins an investment-grade rating .
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