Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He looked up and stared at his audience with the slightly accusing look he used for classes of students .
2 When it got dark he looked for somewhere else to sit and went to the back of the aircraft by way of the communication tunnel , but quickly got bored .
3 Clocaenog village he left at a distance on his left hand , and wound his way up into the hills again .
4 By deciding to write history he embarked on a task which other Gallo-Romans had avoided , it seems , for over a century .
5 When Pope John xxiii visited prison he said to the inmates ‘ You could not come to see me so I have come to see you . ’
6 Mr Berry built up Blue Arrow from the small staff recruitment and travel operation he acquired in June 1982 into the world 's largest employment services group in September 1987 when it took over US company Manpower .
7 The increases were generally expected by the industry , which knew Mr Lamont needed to recoup money he lost by scrapping the special car tax which until last year added ten per cent to the price of a new vehicle .
8 She looked up at him and he acknowledged her presence by a brief glance , but without slackening speed he rode past her , towards the wood .
9 ‘ I mean , ’ says Howard to a girl called Rose he meets at a party , as they sit on the stairs around two in the morning , talking seriously , her dark eyes looking up seriously into his , ‘ I 'm the best mountain-designer in the universe .
10 But keep track he had to , for the sects were always at odds with each other and sometimes their differences spilled over into killings .
11 The wretched man made his way to Brighton where after one bungled attempt he walked off the pier and killed himself by drowning .
12 He must be rolling round , cos he was the maths master , he must be rolling round in his grave , as people say percentage , because he if you said percentage he yelled at you , Percentage of what ?
13 his music thing has n't he ? , he likes music he likes to be on his own , ooh that nails sticking in if you trim your nails properly
14 When James left school he worked for a while with his father .
15 On leaving school he went as a labourer to Hunts Farm ( visible from the 6th green ) and it was this work that brought him to the course .
16 On leaving school he decided against entering university , preferring to study the practical side of engineering through an apprenticeship to a master blacksmith in Nykoøbing .
17 My father had first er he had , him being an engineer , and had been working in Glasgow after his er having served his apprenticeship at Amos the , it was the thing to go to Glasgow in these days which was the centre of all engineering activity , and er to gain experience he went to Glasgow .
18 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
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