Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way , say , as an adult journalist would .
2 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
3 With 100 $500 grants already on their way to scientists working in Russia , the International Science Foundation ( ISF ) has taken the first step towards meeting its goal of helping to preserve research in the former Soviet Union .
4 For obvious reasons , I have included Crux in the same map with Centaurus .
5 In between Kylie had enjoyed success in a few other minor television roles .
6 I recall Leslie Compton of Middlesex bowling and keeping wicket in the same match and , somewhat to the annoyance of the spectators , padding and unpadding at the end of each over .
7 Prologues and divertissements end in the initial key , but only in L'Europe galante , Aréthuse , and Tancrède does the final act end in the same tonality as the Prologue .
8 In June 1989 another Soviet submarine caught fire in the same area , and this time Norwegian scientists reported evidence of a small radioactive leak .
9 First , the same person both pays tax and receives benefit in the same financial year .
10 The bond issue , which could be launched as early as the end of this year , would be the first capital raising in an east European home market by the bank , which was set up by western governments in London in 1991 to catalyse investment in the former communist countries .
11 The plaintiff had originally brought the action also against other defendants , seeking relief in the same terms as against the fourth and fifth defendants , but before action came to trial those defendants Norfolk Line Ltd. , Kent Line Ltd. , Transit Freights Ltd. and Britholdings Ltd. , ceased to be parties to the action .
12 Bobby Downs , Ernest 's 28 year old brother , who shot his wife in front of his two young children ; serving life in the same jail .
13 Two proposed changes to the Constitution , both affecting the role of Parliament , caused controversy in the latter part of 1989 and the beginning of 1990 .
14 Also included are episodes which show Rodrigo in a less than heroic light .
15 I shall give way in a few moments .
16 It was she who , commenting on the Sharon Tate murder in August 1969 , said ‘ Dig it , first they killed those pigs , then they ate dinner in the same room with them , then they even shoved a fork into a victim 's stomach !
17 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
18 The children have related illnesses because of a lack of fresh food and vitimins and the economic problems of the region which means they do n't see life in the same way as in England .
19 Torquay United manager Ivan Golac has already shown interest in a former Southampton colleague .
20 Democratic centralism concentrates power in a few hands and at the end of the day produces decision rather than fudging .
21 ‘ If you think you 're going to make me treat Sarella in the same sort of way you 're mistaken .
22 Jennifer Coates suggests it is a mistake to treat single-sex and mixed-sex interaction in the same terms .
23 All of these began work in the same week as the first Kindertransporte were given the go-ahead .
24 Inspired by the coral coasts of Papua New Guinea ( where Liz lived and worked for nine years ) , this aquarium on silk is made by using a rubber-based glue called gutta in the same way that wax is used in the batik process .
25 In learning sign language the opportunities for doing this are relatively few , and so sign language learning takes place in a less than ideal environment .
26 The initial orientation can not be predicted , but reversal after a few seconds ' observation always takes place in the same way .
27 His rapport with the Wagner household comes across vividly from letters to Rohde in the late summer of 1869 : " Just recently I 've paid four visits there in quick succession and a letter takes wing in the same direction almost every week " ; " On the visit before last , during the night , a baby boy called Siegfried was born .
28 This range , although covered by many hundreds of metres of water for most of its length , breaks surface in a few places to form the chain of apparently unconnected volcanic islands .
29 It wallows in the worst excesses of sentimentality and adopts a moral tone that condemns and condones misbehaviour in the same breath .
30 I have yet to come across another dog who began life in the same way Sadie did which has now successfully integrated into society .
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