Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] have be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She thinks photography has been driven into an isolationist role : how right she is .
2 Any site in the gastrointestinal tract can be affected , although the colon is the commonest and two cases of colonic perforation necessitating colectomy have been described .
3 Only one photograph of a newly installed chairman has been sent to me since January 's Divisional AGMs .
4 Officers say progress has been made with many of the objectives , and initiatives on surveying public opinion and other upgrading will be researched and developed this year .
5 Where a cash underwritten alternative has been offered , but closed early to save underwriting costs , the offeror will , in order to take advantage of the compulsory sale procedure , need to find the cash itself in order to pay minority shareholders ( see paras 13.4.3 and 13.3.5 below ) .
6 Hitherto , any attempt at utilising these in surveying practice has been restricted by the effects of the RICS Royal Charter Byelaw 24(4) ( a ) and ( b ) and Conduct Regulations 10 , 11 and 12 .
7 ‘ The subpoenas that would have shed light have been blocked .
8 Honest , I did n't even know thinking had been invented .
9 A joint Russian , Moldovan and Dnestr peacekeeping force had been deployed on July 29 to halt the fighting after an agreement signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and his Moldovan counterpart Mircea Snegur over the future status of the Dnestr region [ for July agreement see p. 39019 ] .
10 Value added tax has been put on spectacles and surgical boots , which we would never have dreamed of doing .
11 An academic model for building surveying education has been established by the ‘ centres of excellence ’ , and where the shortfall in employment prospects has chilled the ebullience of some job markets , the building surveyor is currently displaying skills and attributes that stimulate a demand and maintain a 100% employment record for the graduates .
12 Equipment such as the vortex mixer and vortex scrubber have been installed in pharmaceutical plant , offering benefits such as :
13 Isotope fractionation has been corrected for by measuring the 13 C ( to within 0.5–1.0 relative to the standard rock , PDB ) , except for OxA-3214 and OxA-3215 , for which an assumed value of -26 was used .
14 A woman accused of stealing thousands of pounds from a charity which she helped set-up has been remanded in custody .
15 The chemical industry 's efforts to secure insurance have been stepped up following the publication of a number of European directives suggesting a move towards much wider compulsory compensation for environmental damage .
16 These were chosen to fill gaps in Swiss expertise — for instance , although the country is strong in basic molecular biology , process biotechnology had been neglected .
17 A nature lover who created a lake on land to attract wildlife has been ordered to destroy his project after angering Lord Hanson .
18 Owner occupied housing has been developed with a view to derived profits via the production route .
19 The argument for a more comprehensive approach to work organization has been set in a new context by developments in product markets , trading conditions and manufacturing technology in the 1980s .
20 The British Boys Champion Cup has been won in the past by men such as Ronan Rafferty and Jose Maria Olathaval .
21 The British Boys Champion Cup has been won in the past by men such as Ronan Rafferty and Jose Maria Olathaval .
22 Secondly , the class intervals for the five classes used in the choropleth map have been derived simply by dividing the data range into five equal ranges .
23 Peter Harris who has cancer had been told last month he only had weeks to live and has been staying in a hospice .
24 For him , the energies driving history have been derived from the interplay between external forces , conflicting visions of the right ordering of society .
25 But they offer the worst rate of return , paying out around 30p in £1 after 40 per cent in duty and arts fund levy has been deducted .
26 One of the oldest parts of Robert Maxwell 's collapsed empire has been revived by a management buyout .
27 In other spheres attempts to increase productivity had been blocked .
28 Reports say material has been seized by police , but Detective Superintendent Mike Hames , head of the squad , said no decision had been taken on any police action .
29 A COUPLE who caused suffering to their pets by deserting them when they moved house have been banned from keeping animals for five years .
30 For two years the League of Nations Society led a modest existence , discussing ideas , publishing proposals and keeping in touch with like-minded organizations in France , Holland and , significantly , the United States , where a League to Enforce peace had been established in 1915 .
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