Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A Tractarian , whose work for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel attracted national attention , he became archdeacon of Dorset in 1862 but resigned , through ill health , nine months later .
2 Templetons became part of Stoddards in 1981 .
3 Nagorny Karabakh , which has a predominantly Armenian population , became part of Azerbaijan in 1923 after the consolidation of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus region .
4 It was more closely mapped in the new Regulations for Further Education in 1946 , with Local Education Authorities given responsibility for initiatives in conjunction with the universities and voluntary bodies .
5 A minister will be given responsibility for transport in the capital , including the £750 million upgrading of the Central Line Underground service .
6 The Center for Media and Values is best known for its quarterly magazine Media & Values , which has received support from WACC in past years .
7 David Murray became chairman at Ibrox in 1988 and , asked about the Liverpool manager 's record in the transfer market , said : ‘ Sure Graeme has spent a lot of cash but he 's sold well as well .
8 It has occasionally been suggested — notably by Lord Alexander , when he became chairman of NatWest in 1990 — that the Bank might take a more relaxed view , to help industry .
9 I would dip blanket after blanket in boiling water , wring them out almost without realising that I was scalding myself , take off the old strips of saturated cloth , wrap the new ones round each leg and tuck them into the corners of affected muscles , but half the time not really knowing what I was doing .
10 James worked closely with his bishops , and in particular with George Abbot , whom he appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1611 .
11 Repeated cases have convinced SAVE that allowing permission for development in the grounds of country houses must be strongly resisted .
12 AS SOME 7,000 exhausted but happy East Germans arrived in West Germany on special trains early yesterday , hundreds who missed the trains joined the queue to go west at embassies in Prague and Warsaw .
13 Earlier this year , The Sunday Telegraph reported scientists also fear damage to life in the oceans .
14 ‘ I was given sanctuary in England in return for information about the Luciferi . ’
15 Now , consistent with her previous practice of using Creole for comments in Creole on the other players , she begins to describe the players ' code words in turn — " ( you ) slap down , he says " pin " , he slaps down , he says " needle " , he slaps down he — " .
16 This conclusion highlights the importance of seeing support between kin in the context of the interpersonal relationships of the parties to these negotiations .
17 Anselm , St ( 1033–1109 ) Born the son of a Lombard landowner , Anselm eventually became Archbishop of Canterbury in England .
18 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
19 Thomas Wolsey , an ambitious diplomat , became Archbishop of York in 1514 , and a Cardinal as well as Lord Chancellor , in 1515 .
20 Lamplugh was born in Octon in 1615 and became Archbishop of York in 1688 .
21 Thomas I , archbishop of York from 1070 to 1100 , was his brother ; Thomas II , who became archbishop of York in 1108 , was his son ; and another son was bishop of Bayeux .
22 Secondly , that transfer must have given rise to rights in the individual who makes it .
23 But the procedures for establishing relief are cumbersome and have given rise to delays in settling a Name 's tax liability .
24 Take English cash or travellers cheques for the balance of your needs , and change money on arrival in resort .
25 In fact , it is not really consistent to treat light like cannonballs in Newton 's theory of gravity because the speed of light is fixed .
26 William Bowles , ( 1705–1780 ) an Irishman who became superintendent of mines in Spain , was dismayed by the lack of unusual plants in the area and wrote to Peter Collinson from Bilbao in 1733 asking for packets of seeds and bulbous plants and continued : ‘ There is a Miller 's Dictionary in Town , so I would take some pains to give the Spaniards a taste … you know what best to send ’ .
27 Two canvas chairs were placed side by side in a machine that begged comparison with the Wright brothers ' first efforts .
28 These cards could then be placed side by side in the fashion you want to practise .
29 Practical considerations , such as the difficulty of finding enough foster placements and adequate staff for children 's homes , also lent weight to arguments in favour of preventing children from coming into care .
30 After leaving the Conservatoire he became organist at Sainte-Trinité in Paris , a post he held for over 40 years .
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