Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly , experts are seeing computer crime as a people rather than a technical problem .
2 The marketer will try to encourage brand loyalty as a means of rendering the purchase process more comfortable and more satisfying .
3 Ideally , the top professional buyer will seek Board status as the company 's senior buyer , since this ensures his or her involvement in all major purchase decisions .
4 By responding to your own learning needs rather than being expected to absorb blanket information as a group , you will be able to chart your own progress more accurately , develop and extend your interests and expertise , and research new materials as and when you feel the need .
5 COLD Ice T The New Jack party is over Buying property in France Or Italy for that matter Death cigarettes Not very funny Football shirts Make the Robin Reliant look well designed Ice cream as a sex substitute Yuk Kenneth Branagh Is there no escape ?
6 The efforts of Merlyn Rees , the former Defence Secretary , and Tom O'Donovan , the British Amateur Rugby League Association 's national development officer , have failed to persuade Services officials to accept rugby league as a sport like any other .
7 In both the Whitehall and Hawaiian Studies ( Fuller et al , 1980 ; Yano et al , 1982 ) , increasing serum cholesterol levels carried a higher coronary disease mortality but multivariate analysis did not demonstrate serum cholesterol as an independent risk factor in either report .
8 Here the individualistic , childhood-makes-man approach is relatively trivial and , paradoxically , can do little more than to complement and compound the worst aspects of the holistic fallacy by narrowly explaining adult character as a function of cultural conditioning and contemporary family circumstances .
9 The Navaho had respected Rope Thrower as a warrior , but could never forgive the destruction of their prized orchards .
10 One oil analyst described investor sentiment as a ‘ two-way pull between the Americans who are trying to be optimistic and the British who have been selling to them ’ .
11 Interpretation of the restoration has broader implications for understanding Japanese history as a whole , particularly for the many Japanese historians who have sought to locate it within a Marxist historical framework .
12 Major expansions took place over the next decade and in 1949 the factory started making staple fibre , which soon overtook filament yarn as the principal rayon product .
13 Finally , Mathew ( 1989 ) drawing upon Canadian experience , suggests that the management of cultural change is the key to utilising resource management as an agent of improved health care for patients .
14 But , as he revealed later , it did not take long for him to realise that Paris was no more inspirational to him than Barnsley , so he returned to northern England and entered show business as a singer and pianist .
15 Computer suppliers frequently provide customer training as an integral part of their total product package .
16 The embryo British independent nuclear deterrent would , in Sandy 's opinion , replace sea power as the foundation upon which the Three Pillars would stand in future .
17 Ultimately they 're still keeping land reform as a long term objective cos that 's
18 This study has shown a larger proportion of electrocardiographic changes ( 91% ) than previous studies , even though some of these included sinus tachycardia as an arrhythmia .
19 She rapped their collective knuckles ( along with those of the Church of Scotland , which showed nationalist tendencies as well ) for their inability to see wealth creation as an essentially Christian act .
20 Hitherto , the Government has tended to see parent power as a foil to ‘ vested interests ’ like teachers or local authorities .
21 It is important therefore to see Work Experience as a curriculum opportunity .
22 It is now suggested that it is much more appropriate to see child abuse as a result of multiple interacting factors , including the parents ' and children 's psychological traits , the family 's place in the larger social and economic structure , and the balance of external supports and stresses , both interpersonal and material .
23 Banned for using illegal substance while an athlete but switched to rugby and made Test debut as a replacement against Australia in August .
24 The lack of a correlation between risk and P(A) is the same result that was observed using hit rate as the measure of recognition performance .
25 Rather than seeing child abuse as an exceptional problem requiring an exceptional response , and hence a qualitatively different practice , we should see it as part of child care and hence child care practice .
26 Expressing job satisfaction as a numerical index …
27 Perhaps the problem has been that the Americans have adopted Pop Art as a national institution and seen it as exclusively an American product , so I found the inclusion of the German painters , Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter , illuminating .
28 This is another rationale for defining price stability as an annual inflation rate of 1-2% .
29 The longer-acting drug azathioprine was more satisfactory than 6-MP , and the adrenal cortical steroids also contributed to the prevention of graft rejection and to establishing organ transplantation as a regular therapeutic practice .
30 Again without apology to Jonathon Porritt , I would say we are defining animal welfare as the quality of environment as perceived by the animal and we are defining environment protection as the quality of environment as perceived by us .
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