Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This might involve , for example , the use of self and peer assessment based on structured interviews or the completion of detailed report forms , or could involve the use of simulations or assignments .
2 Using money borrowed from Western banks , Ceauşescu embarked on building an oil-refining capacity three times greater than Romania 's domestic production of oil .
3 The agency , the Fund for Servicing the Foreign Debt ( FOZZ ) , used intermediaries to channel money held by Polish companies abroad to merchant banks and companies which bought up Poland 's debts for as little as 20 cents for every US$1 owed , contrary to an agreement between Poland and its bankers .
4 AN UNPRECEDENTED string of deaths and life-threatening collapses began on a hospital children 's ward after a nurse had been told she lacked experience caring for sick youngsters , a court was told yesterday .
5 Erm now the th H S C is saying that erm it should n't have gone skin to skin and they 've stopped skin to skin in other headings .
6 Theft is excluded but this policy would cover damage caused by attempted theft .
8 But this has already given rise to concern about hidden or back-door sponsorship .
9 Such forecasts will need to take into account planned admission limits for particular schools and can be of great benefit when planning school reorganization .
10 The muddy track skirted the precipitous drop to the water one hundred feet below , then descended to the stream edge and meandered through ancient alders with red-tinted catkins , through poor pastures , passed blackthorn covered in deep purple sloes withering on spiny twigs and wound upstream into open moorland .
11 After a narrow escape straight from the start of the second half , when Carpenter screwed the ball wide from a good position , Farnham 's re-organised side played with growing authority .
12 I do n't think fear comes from old aunts telling horror stories , I think it comes from women who 've had babies recently .
13 FIG. 2 Injection of the antibody to pax[b] protein leads to abnormal development of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary .
14 Dunning and his co-workers are undoubtedly justified in maintaining that football hooliganism was prevalent in society long before the post-war decline of community life ; and that it was common for young males to attend football matches without adult supervision before the 1960s .
15 In a large organization , especially , the data offer important evidence to senior management ( otherwise insulated from routine pollution control work ) of a problem which needs money spent on remedial action .
16 This increase is not just for number crunching ; the system has been installed to meet user needs for Personal Productivity [ wordprocessing and spreadsheets ] and Information Access [ library catalogues and databases ] .
17 I do not mean to imply that the biochemistry is primary , or any more fundamental in the reductionist sense than the physiology ; what I am saying is that changed biochemistry translates into changed physiology just as it does into changed behaviour .
18 The section exists elsewhere in separate form but it has a propriety at this point , stressing that the dynamic shaping inherent in the process Rolle describes is a property of God and a divine gift ; and it leads into the final summarising chapter focused on active and contemplative life .
19 My 80 gallon tank has undergravel filters with Aquaclear powerheads , a Tunze protein skimmer , two Hagen 55 gallon Bio-Life filters and a Fluval 303 external filter .
20 Platies are an ideal beginners ' fish because they will stand poor water conditions — but no fish can survive poisoning caused by poor filtration .
21 Warfare , preparations or war , and negotiations for ‘ peace ’ by the élites of opposing stratified social formations often distract attention from , and may be meant to distract attention from , the permanently installed violence perpetrated by dominant strata against subordinate strata within each formation ( see Chomsky 1987 : 105–6 ) .
22 The committee also called on the government to formulate long-term fuel-pricing objectives in order to encourage industry to invest in energy-saving measures and thereby to reduce emissions .
23 Even so , I did meet one girl at Binbrook who had knitted a whole twin set from darning wool cut into short lengths , weaving all the ends together as she knitted ! — and she showed me the finished product to prove it .
24 Western rider Bob Mayhew showed just how unimportant reins need be , producing a range of movements , including rein back , leg yielding , sliding stops and ‘ spins ’ ( a never ending pirouette performed at alarming speed ) with virtually no rein contact , and using body and leg aids alone .
25 Though Microsoft might be posturing , licensing WABI to HP , IBM and USL also reportedly exposes Sun to risk of legal action by Insignia .
26 The average propensity to consume ( apc ) is equal to total consumption divided by total disposable income ( C/Y d ) and this varies as disposable income varies .
27 Use the vibrating plate to encourage sand to percolate into fine cracks between blocks .
28 But the shadow Chancellor , Gordon Brown , announcing a series of what he termed job rallies in Tory-held marginal seats over the coming weeks , said almost 100,000 job training places had been cut since John Major became Prime Minister .
29 Within geography , where a vigorous regionalist theme was in evidence , the work of C.B. Fawcett was influential in relating town planning to local government hierarchies ( Provinces of England , 1919 ) ; significantly C.B. Purdom 's book The building of satellite towns ( 1925 ) was subtitled ‘ a contribution to the study of town development and regional planning ’ .
30 Eliminating tax breaks on corporate entertaining would probably do more to break the power of keiretsu than beefing up Japan 's feeble antitrust laws or passing intricate rules on cross share-holdings .
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