Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb base] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 A subsequent study of second cancers following anal and cervical cancer found further support for this aetiological link .
2 Comparisons of virulence of closely related parasites in hosts with which they have co-evolved automatically control for many third variables which potentially confound such analyses .
3 While it was aware of the threat of a general strike of seamen in May 1911 , it saw little support for this outside the United Kingdom and the United States , where Andrew Furuseth , president of the International Seamen 's Union and a close ally of Wilson 's , had taken a leading part in the agitation for an international dispute .
4 can you , can you go out look for some paper ?
5 Common philosophy : What is becoming clear as the partnership progresses is that BP and Unipart share a common philosophy — based on quality products , a focus on giving customers the best possible service , and a commercial drive to get more bang for fewer bucks .
6 In the last 15 years there has been an enormous increase in the volume of frozen chips being consumed , even although straight-cut chips for frying still account for more than half the chips bought .
7 Having not heard either work for some years , I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded what a delightfully unaffected piece the Missa choralis , in particular , really is .
8 She had enough work for several more days and then after that , she would need to tramp around the streets seeking new customers .
9 A church in which they predominated , would , she had to admit , have little place for such as she .
10 " It sounds trite , but I have enough love for both of us to live on . "
11 According to , ‘ this provides early support for those that need it and is cost-effective for the company , because an employee is back to productivity sooner and there is no extended sick leave ’ .
12 His own research on female undergraduate students of physics provides further support for this conclusion ; many of them explicitly dissociated themselves from the male physics students and their ambitions .
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