Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [det] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that one of the reasons why the companies were prepared to invest so much in the provision of housing for their workmen was because they could influence employees living in company houses at the pit gates far more effectively than those living in a more mixed community several miles from their place of work .
2 In the coming year , the Government will also face its greatest crisis over public sector borrowing , having to borrow too much to pay the interest on its debts — the trap that caught so many in the last few years .
3 I mean I sometimes when I 'm performing on stage and people are laughing so much in the audience I think god , you know why ca n't I go and sit in the audience and watch this , they 're laughing so much .
4 Then there was what we might call the backgrounder , the detective story in which interest lies as much in the setting as in the puzzle .
5 The measure of that lies as much in the minor elements as in the headline-grabbing reforms of taxation and expenditure policy .
6 And to catch out those in the financial and wider communities who encouraged them to do so .
7 Campaigners say even those in the medical profession do n't know how to help .
8 Someone with short-term memory loss lives very much in the present and is able to enjoy what they do , even if they can not recall it a few minutes later .
9 Feet which overpronate collapse inwards and use the foot 's natural cushioning , so you do n't need that much in the shoe .
10 If you treat other people , including your child , with consideration , you will need very little in the way of formal manners teaching .
11 Teaching materials usually provide very little in the way of explicit rationale which would enable teachers to modify them in a principled way with reference to the ideas which inform them .
12 Do not tack too much in the early stages of the beat and do not let yourself be forced the wrong way .
13 It 's more the ‘ bells and whistles ’ of museum life which have grown so much in the last fifteen years , like restaurants , shops , publishing , which should be left to the private sector , and which generate important revenues for the museum .
14 And done all this in the blackness of night ?
15 Mr Hicks points out : ‘ These guys have done all this in the worst years of a recession .
16 ‘ Seek ye first the political kingdom ’ said Kwame Nkrumah , and nearly all African Heads of State have done exactly that in the last quarter of a century .
17 Sorry to go on and on about this backing up business , but it 's much better to do it than to end up losing information ( and I write as someone who has done just that in the past ; of course I 'm perfect now ) .
18 John Wheatley had argued as much in the Second Reading of the 1925 Bill , while at the same time criticizing the sum of 10s 0d as inadequate .
19 She will be missed as much in the tiny village halls in County Waterford , where she was active in the Irish Country Women 's Association , as in fashionable dining rooms in Cape Cod or London .
20 The self-avowed falsificationist Popper says as much in the passage quoted on p.44 , where the italics are his .
21 The form of order used in M. 's case does not appear as such in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 , but is a standard modernised version of Form No. 85 headed ‘ Order of Committal ( Contemnor Present ) ’ and there is no doubt that it complied with the rules .
22 Young children are shaped as much in the home as they are outside it .
23 Yet many small and medium companies can not give very much in the way of resources and may be in need of a great deal for themselves .
24 EDFAX and COMMUNITEL can be seen very much in the discovery learning sector of computer software and school librarians and teachers can be instrumental in guiding pupils to be creative , using a range of information and artistic skills .
25 Although this area has not suffered too much in the past it was mentioned that now many farm buildings are being declared ‘ redundant ’ and given planning consent for residential development ( barn conversions etc ) while a short distance away there is an application for a farmhouse from someone wanting to start an agricultural holding .
26 ‘ We believed very much in the significance of what we were doing , ’ said Secord , leaving for a moment the sticky operational details .
27 Do not expect too much in the early stages , even if your dog has become a model pupil at home .
28 In artistic ways they do because the records are successful but I 'm tired of being broke , very tired of that , and it 's especially hurtful when you meet so many in the industry who do n't have quite your status but are laughably rich . ’
29 I was shaking and sweating so much in the confessional I thought I was going to faint .
30 This shift seems to have occurred as many in the business community observe what they interpret as the collapse of social order in American cities ; a collapse , which carries with it the value systems underpinning the democratic state .
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