Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And then when they get bigger you give them more and more freedom to do just what they want to do and all you do is watch carefully and make sure they 're not doing anything obviously , outrageously daft but you let them find themselves and if there are problems they bring their problems to you and you sit down and you quietly talk about it , there 's not shouting , no I say you 've got to do this because I am your parent !
2 By all means work to emphasize your positive qualities and to control your weak points , but if you put on an act you are almost bound to get caught out and you certainly will not be able to relax .
3 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
4 A mixture of series and parallel , which you 've done before but you probably need a bit of revision .
5 But then you might feel that you 're going backwards but you still just modify your position to keep that gap there .
6 Instead of having to come home from work and worry about wrapping up the Christmas presents , or writing letters to friends , or having a long conversation with someone in the family who needs a bit of support , and fitting all that in after the children have gone to bed and the supper 's been washed up and you really ought to be reading papers for tomorrow 's meeting , I know I have a chunk of time when I can get on with doing all that .
7 And you stand up and you like you like mm , accidentally rub your hand on your arse
8 Impatience builds up and you just want to lash out and get them .
9 Er in any adverse weather conditions , particularly fog , where you 're travelling along and you suddenly see erm a red stud on your right-hand side .
10 If I had my choice , I 'd rather be left to work something out myself ; instead of it all being set up and you just walk in and take measurements , go away and analyse them , you 'd have to go in and set it all up , then you 'd really learn something .
11 The red stockings and garters are stored away but you never know — they may soon be out again for another airing .
12 but apparently you see the terms are split up and you actually do n't get any thing when you 're not in on
13 You want the weight to stay off and you also want to be able to eat a reasonable amount of food after the diet without putting on weight .
14 They lack confidence , simple as that and one of the things is that as a group you come in and you probably look at people when you and you look at the trainers and the idea is that early on people can do , can keep some eye contact gon na stare you out but just keeping your eyes and do n't flit away and also when you 're under pressure at this stage his eyes challenge you or something like that , then your eyes go down .
15 Six erm maybe one of your friends did n't turn up and you so out of that six you would n't get three lots of two you 'd get two lots of three .
16 his beard and everything to a T. He 'd sit at the top of the table , have his stiff white serviette tucked into his waistcoat , and he 's lifted that carving knife and fork until — you sat there and you never said a word .
17 I always seem to , I think we , we were always at Stanford Hall that we must , it was a must that we have a good programme because if somebody comes and there 's nothing doing , they think well you know yo I , I , you see I suppose I 've got that orientated into Guild work but a friend of mine enticed me to go to er a club and erm it 's just simply for any age group , any sex male or female , but you must bereaved you know and erm she is a widow and I was widow , so I went but you see we , we sat round and you just , there was nothing organised and to me who had always been organised , I just felt so like a lost soul you know and er then one chappie put some records on and you cou and you could n't dance to them and I said oh , you know to me I thought wh you know but I do n't want to do it , I 've got enough to do but , I , I was straight away , I was looking for the organisation behind it you know .
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