Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] i say " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to sit down but I said we 've just got to get out as soon as possible .
2 She wanted to sit down but I said we 've just got to get out as soon as possible .
3 but I , I 'd never get them done , and I mean I 'd fed Matthew and I shouted down and I said look you 'll have to come and get him dressed cos I 've got dinners to put up yet
4 I 've a lot , a lot of my friends have got big dogs and they say oh they will jump up and I say squeeze her paws , it usually works
5 A couple of months ago he wanted to come back but I said there 's no way he 'd come back here without us being married .
6 He used to come in here he did n't know er how good it was , he 's a a bit of a bit of a lady , you know , kick your eye out , and he come in here , I can see him now si sitting on that chair there er , and I was sat there and I said to him , I said er why do n't you start kidding to it and all this madam , you know , give it sweets and this other .
7 Prentice came on and I said who I was .
8 And he came in and I said and the mirror on the dressing table is n't done .
9 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
10 You know , suppose parliament starts breaking the rules and acting arbitrarily and I say the mechanism is not clear .
11 then I felt a real twit , cos a man came up and I said I think something 's gone wrong with the auto bank machine , says I , it wo n't give me any money because it 's , it 's coming up there 's an error , so he said well I 'll try and see , he says , he put in exactly the same card as me , he had the Midland card , put it in , got his money
12 Anyway I went to see Foxy at lunchtime and erm and he said that erm er and I mentioned it to him and I said you know do n't go up to Sal and say Jess is feeling like erm you know , feeling that he 's , feeling really jealous because er if , if Sal is trying to get back that will just like please him , you know , if he is trying , if that 's the whole aim of the whole , you know , the operation then , then he 'll just feel pleased and it will also embarrass Jessica and she does n't want and if , and if it 's not , if it was nothing , you know , she 'll feel embarrassed so please do n't say anything and he said no no I 'll just make some subtle , subtle comment and he went up to , he told me that he went up to Sal and he goes erm and he says how 's everything going with Jessica and Sal goes yeah it 's good and , and he go erm cos er Phil erm cos Foxy goes oh cos it 's , it 's going really well with me and Catriona , it 's going really well I 'm really enjoying it , what about you , you know , and Sal goes yeah , it 's really good and Foxy goes erm you know is it , is it a long term thing then , you looking for a long term thing do you think and Sal goes yeah , what about you and Foxy goes yeah yeah definitely yeah , you know , cos he was doing it subtly so I came back and I said to Jess you know really , an and Foxy said there was nothing strange about , it was no f you know it was definitely to fe s f erm Sal was er you know being truthful , there was not like erm yeah well yeah you know and trying to get off the subject , it was n't it was completely , yeah , it 's brilliant , going really well , really enjoying it and it 's gon na be long term sort of thing .
13 Er I thought you did well in erm giving yourself credibility by talking about the shares , oh yes you can have two hundred and fifty pounds per month in the shares and they 've done well and I said oh yes they have done well , and I felt good that you were praising me up for being such a clever chap , and so I thought that was all , all jolly good stuff .
14 I know when we 've er sold the house , when our children all went and left us , the house was for three bedrooms , right , and I , I said to my husband I do n't want to stay here because they built the school outside behind our er , erm back yard , and every , all the rubbish that kids throw threw over and I said to him I do n't want to stay now kids , kids gone , children gone leave , left home , got married and went to off , I said I do n't want to live here , I do n't want to retire to , to stay at home and listen to the kids at school all day long and have the rubbish thrown over the hedge
15 And see they were asking me what I was gon na use yesterday and I said oh I do n't know I said , I have n't got a clue .
16 She came round on Tuesday for my hamper money and she said , everything was cos , I said I 'd pay her monthly and she turned up and I said , I thought I was paying you monthly ?
17 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
18 she got a UB40 record out and I said there 'll
19 Now it was and I turned round and I said , tried hot water and soap powder and , forget , something else ,
20 forget all about that , just let your mind go blank and I look round and I said cor that was quick .
21 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
22 At first they asked me if I wanted my mum to go out but I said No , but when they started asking me all those sorts of questions they asked me again and I said Yes .
23 And I pulled away and I said , well erm I so enjoyed the Mozart I 've always wanted to hear it .
24 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
25 When we were out for lunch a few weeks ago , Alan asked where I was brought up and I said popped out on stalks two brothers had gone to school at .
26 She said his son rang up and I said what , what 's his name ?
27 At a recent meeting of the , I believe the , first of the Estuaries Management Committee Meetings for the Orwell and the Stour I was approached by the R S P B representative and was delighted to be asked , how soon is the pamphlets that we 're jointly publishing coming out and I said , oh that 's a jolly good idea , what 's happening , and he tells me that the R Y A's name is to be published with the R S P B and this can do nothing but help our image as we will all appreciate in here , perhaps we need to remember that the gun clubs call themselves , the Gun and Convers Conservation Societies , the wide wise wild fowlers call themselves the Wild Fowlers and Conservation Societies , perhaps we should be the Royal Yachting and Conservation Society and join in with that R S P B publication for I believe quite a very small sum relative to the total outlay .
28 and I was dancing about and I said , I 'm not gon na make it .
29 Yeah , well , I went down and I said to after the eng the engineer had seen it , he said like
30 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
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