Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lucker is having none of my gung-ho enthusiasm and drives on regardless to the end of the peninsula .
2 Mrs Roberts , indeed , who felt completely disoriented , clung on absurdly to the reality of Martin Parr .
3 A belief in daemons or evil spirits led on naturally to a need for exorcists ; exorcism , it is reasonable to assume , became one of the priestly functions .
4 As can be seen , it refers most strongly to the physical sense of ’ access ’ , with words like ’ give ’ , ’ right ’ , ’ terrace ’ , ’ trade ’ , ’ route ’ , ’ road ’ & ’ freedom ’ , etc .
5 It is Jesus 's teaching to his disciples , however , that he refers most frequently to the Old Testament , both by explicit quotations and by innumerable verbal echoes , so that some passages seen like a patch-work of Old Testament words and ideas .
6 His partners , brought to the sticking point , agreed , somewhat reproachfully , and passed on firmly to the question of who was going to take over which of Angela 's clients .
7 ‘ What did he say ? ’ said Masklin , hanging on tightly to the sweater .
8 The guard did as he was told , then stood back , watching as Tolonen limped slowly across to the corpse .
9 In Andrew 's world the pocket-knife that belonged to Iain 's recollection became a cleaver that seemed to go so close to the bone as to almost sever completely .
10 They clung so tenaciously to the idea that Rose felt she could n't stand in their way .
11 He found the predatory birds oriented less accurately to the alarm calls , as Marler would have predicted .
12 Ralph Bryant read out the hundred and seventh psalm the following Sunday at the morning service in St Saviour 's , and the congregation listened with rapt attention to those words which applied so directly to the men and boys who were to sail in the Russell that day :
13 Kate walked out , and climbed the shallow stairs that led so comfortably to the upper floor .
14 When pressed down half-way , at which point it can be caught in a notch , the note is raised a semitone ; when pressed down farther to the second notch the note is raised another semitone .
15 He also sent us out to a dhow in the harbour to fish ; we had never before been on a vessel that rode so close to the water .
16 Seagate Technology Inc says it has reached a multi-million dollar agreement with Corning Inc which will enable it to produce a hard disk drive that is sturdier and stores more than conventional drives : it will use Corning' glass-ceramic dubbed Memcor and developed over six years of research and development ; shipments of the material , which is thinner , stronger and more rugged than traditional aluminium substrates , and enables the recording head to be placed much closer to the surface of the disk , will begin shortly and output of drives will start in the third quarter .
17 That was why she was reacting so badly to the news that he had left Taipei .
18 We taxied in close to the runway and were all pushed down the exit ladder to make a sprint for the terminal building ; no automatic concertinaed walkways here .
19 Enough to remind her of the consequences of submitting so easily to a man who despised her .
20 It is rather strange that so little attention has been given so far to the mechanical properties of biological materials , though perhaps in human terms it is understandable .
21 The cart moved on downhill to the toll-gate .
22 Animation Works Interaction combines sound ( if your PC is MPC compatible ) , graphics , and animation to come somewhere close to the ultimate Multimedia package .
23 While FIFO corresponds most closely to the way in which firms actually use their inventories ( i.e. the oldest stock is used first ) and corresponds to the actual cost paid for inventories , it ignores the fact that to replace the inventories now costs a great deal more .
24 Although Leavis 's prescriptions were addressed most directly to the situation at Cambridge , their immediate impact was greatest within the newer university institutions .
25 Precious substances contributed most effectively to the functioning of traditional societies by defining roles in the functioning of the hierarchy of authority .
26 Perhaps most fundamental of all , however , was the climate of hostility and mistrust that existed between East and West during the ‘ new cold war ’ of the late 1970s and early 1980s ; and it was the dissipation of this climate , above all through a series of face-to-face meetings between the Soviet and American leaders , that contributed most directly to the resumption of progress in arms control and other matters .
27 The person who contributed most significantly to the defence of the Copernican system was Galileo .
28 This union and other unions have protested most vigorously to the Mersey Region and they decided then to go ahead with the appeals by approaching other trade unions , not necessarily involved in clinical skills , like the plumbers and the joiners of the A U E W and the EPTU .
29 Pausanias does not consider the authorship of the metopes , but the difference of approach we noticed between the two groups corresponds so exactly to the difference between the gables that we can safely postulate one designer for the sculptures at each end of the building ; but can it be one man who designed both ?
30 The leg point , however , corresponds only approximately to the Chinese acupuncture point Zusanli ( ST36 ) , the location given being inaccurate .
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