Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] not been " in BNC.

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1 The challenge to take hold of the world and mould it into the Utopia so desired has so far not been seen by humanity to be what it is .
2 However , as a political issue , it has so far not been properly thrashed out .
3 An in vivo uptake of polypeptides by human enterocytes has so far not been demonstrated , however .
4 The company has applied for permission to drill two more holes in the nearby Lake District National Park , but this drilling permission has thus far not been granted .
5 The Chinese room had so far not been touched by Sara or her decorators .
6 Analysts were also agreed that its modest size reflected OAS willingness to work with the Bazin regime for a negotiated settlement , since economic sanctions had thus far not been effective in securing the reinstatement of Aristide [ see p. 38905 ] .
7 My second idea was jackdaws ; the barrier had almost certainly not been opened ; the tower was unscalable from without ; who or whatever took the relics must therefore have flown in .
8 ‘ No , just a friend , ’ I said too quickly , before I realized that she had almost certainly not been on duty when Sal was brought in .
9 A big problem for the liberals is that recent immigrants from China , who make almost half of the population , have so far not been greatly moved by ideals of democracy .
10 These missiles have so far not been used because the Phnom Penh airforce has not yet deployed its Soviet helicopters and recently acquired MIG 21 jets in combat .
11 But this shift should be seen in the context of the total demands of the elderly on resources which appears not to have risen so fast ; they have so far not been a dependent burden of significant dimensions despite their growing numbers , though as Thomson points out , this could change in coming years .
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