Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] about " in BNC.

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1 People throughout the world suddenly became much better informed about radiation hazards .
2 This bloke here has only just come about fifteen miles up the road .
3 To his surprise he finds himself basically in agreement on a wide range of questions which he has never really thought about before .
4 Pip has never really thought about his features until this point and from then on wants to be a gentleman because he has instantly fallen in love with Estella and wants to impress her , and make her love him .
5 He was the first person who 'd ever really bothered about her .
6 Mick Ronson : ‘ At the time when that story came out , my family in Hull took a lot of flak about it because they 'd never even heard about it up there .
7 But he 'd never really thought about the insides .
8 He 'd never really thought about it before today .
9 She 'd like to see a key worker allocated to each patient and families made more fully informed about treatment .
10 By accurate and sensible reporting , mirrored by intelligent coverage in the press and on the radio , the public could become much better informed about mental handicap and this increased awareness could have a tremendous impact on the ways that our mentally handicapped population are perceived in modern society .
11 Apart from working on the teaching unit which is under development he will need to keep very well informed about new techniques in programming , new hardware , etc .
12 I 've only just read about this old caddie you found murdered .
13 I 've only usually got about one pen .
14 For one thing he was an impatient sort of eagle , inclined to get angry and feel insulted at the smallest thing ; for another — and this took Creggan a while to realize — he was preoccupied with thinking about what had happened to Minch , not daring to hope that what Creggan had so boldly said about her coming back was true .
15 Everything that I had so far learned about him — except the conflicting stories of his drinking habits — seemed diametrically opposed to the slick business morality of Ingard and his associates and to the way-out politics of his daughter 's husband .
16 I could so easily have divided Charlie 's six per cent between Sal , Grace , and that awful Kitty , who had so obviously lied about her brother 's death .
17 He 'd never mentioned it to her and she had not even thought about it until now , but therein lay her escape .
18 She had not even thought about persuading Marek Nowak to write down what he had told her .
19 He grilled me severely about the attitude and background of the character , the place he would occupy in the programme , his point of view , and innumerable other aspects of Byron which I had not yet thought about . ’
20 Sara curtsied , and backed to the door ; and it was only when it had closed behind her and she was standing on the long , tiled landing that she realized that her future mother-in-law had not once asked about her family in Ireland .
21 ‘ I 've just never thought about it . ’
22 No doubt we should have objected if we had ever seriously thought about action .
23 Alison had probably never thought about getting .
24 Yet he also makes clear that a number of the best poets in his anthology were unbothered by developments in London : ‘ Some homely writers had clearly never heard about the requirements of polite taste ’ [ ECWP , p. xxvi ] .
25 Neither Quasp nor Blast exist , although we 've heard that enough worried Mancs have been asking about their location , wondering why they had n't yet heard about them .
26 Jack suddenly remembered that he had n't sought out Ho Chan at school ; he had n't even thought about it .
27 This came quite naturally , I had n't even thought about the gender of a knitting machine .
28 He had n't even listened about the curtains .
29 They had n't really talked about it .
30 Most of the people … had n't really thought about civil rights ; they had come , with a sort of friendly curiosity , to hear something .
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