Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Hampshire who 's been er umpiring at point now trots back to square leg because the point area is becoming rather heavily populated at the moment with a very square gully and er an even squarer point , cover point .
2 It is a fitting conclusion that God , who has so clearly guided at every stage , should set his seal on the marriage in the deep love of Isaac for Rebekah .
3 It has so far overcome at the political level the doctrinal and organizational divisions between protestants .
4 Excellent though Johnson has so far proven at the explorer 's notes , Boswell threatens to outdo him regarding Raasay .
5 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
6 The pattern of attacks has not really changed at all ; the Iraqis go for the Iranian oil tankers on the shuttle from Kharg Island to Larak Island , and the Iranians then retaliate with a burst of rocket-propelled grenades and machine gun fire against almost any vessel unaccompanied by a warship .
7 But any ( unmoving ) object placed between the half-silvered mirror and the screen will now occupy a larger area of the image and therefore appear either to have grown larger , as if swelling , or to have come closer to the camera , even though it has not actually moved at all .
8 I was wearing a large theatrical ring with an enormous ‘ emerald ’ surrounded by paste diamonds and he bent more closely to look at it .
9 Would n't you just love it if you knew guys jerked off just looking at you ? ’
10 He flicked his own eyes towards the rear seat , and his heart leapt as the black man 's eyes narrowed slightly then glanced at the figure in the back .
11 Tom Shone , writing in the Sunday Times , was also struck far from dumb by Mr Meades ' novel : ‘ This novel bristles , like a Swiss army knife , with an array of pre-emptive critical barbs , with the result that there 's no abuse you can hurl at it which it has n't already hurled at itself .
12 Starting at the top of the bank , cut out a rough sloping path to bottom , slightly above intended step levels , using scale drawing to let you know how deep to dig at any point
13 Marcus went white and jerked round sharply to look at the figure behind him .
14 Yeah hold on just looking at something right , three little ducks
15 If you have decided not only to start at the starboard end , but also to tack onto port as soon as possible , then a different set of priorities apply .
16 I do n't think I 'd ever really looked at him , to be honest .
17 I left the industry in the early Seventies and came back here to work at the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry .
18 The 1350s had seen relatively little fighting at an ‘ official ’ level , but the decade had witnessed the growth , in both numbers and size , of bodies of soldiers who , although sometimes finding local employment , more often than not roamed the countryside in search of adventure and the easy pickings of war .
19 he came round here swearing at
20 And there are people , places , history in this country I 'd never even guessed at , though I sometimes feel I know them anyway . ’
21 She 'd never really looked at it before ; it was too old and familiar .
22 From Wiggen there is a postbus service to Marbach and Schangnau ( Official Timetable No 460. 50 ) and this also continues along the road which turns off sharply left at Schangnau , leading along the bank of the Emme to Bumbach and Kemmeriboden .
23 Well , she 'd lost her bonus now , she observed ruefully to herself as the tall dark stranger turned once more to look at her and remarked in a scathing tone of voice , ‘ I would say that , considering the state your car 's in , about the only thing it 's good for is to be used as a battering-ram . ’
24 A former actor , Cooke started work on the book after growing ever more frustrated at the lack of decent roles .
25 At [ another ] desk sat Winston doing similar lists in red ink , sipping whisky and soda , getting redder and redder , rising and going out often to glare at the machine himself , hunching his shoulders , bowing his head like a bull about to charge . ’
26 She turned back quickly to look at him .
27 She turned back twice to look at him , but he did not turn round at all .
28 Then you usually lie there just staring at the ceiling , thinking about everything that could go wrong .
29 I mean now there 's a couple of people quibbling about actually paying at the that we did .
30 ‘ Please , ’ she replied softly then looked at him for the first time since he had sat down .
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