Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now it 's important that we come up with some interesting things because , as you know , as the course goes on we 're going to be joined by professionals from the media , in the form of Bob Satchwell later on this afternoon , and other gentlemen from the local radio and so forth tomorrow , and they 're actually going to , as it were , confirm , or not , as the case may be , the sort of things we 've been talking about .
2 I mean presumably you was born this side of the river ?
3 Let's just plot a graph When we stand up here we 're wanting to perform right we 're wanting to do an activity we have some level of anxiety .
4 But if you can do , if , if you can do a two hundred thing for sit down you 're gon na be in among the functions .
5 The whole chapter is ridiculous , for example when Alice asked to sit down she was told there was no room , by the characters already sitting there , yet there was plenty of room for everyone to move round the table several times before returning to their original places .
6 On the eighth of February of nineteen seventy two died and on the eleventh of May seventy three died and the plaintiff 's continued the action but the action failed so he was awarded damages from the sale of his estate and on the twenty first of July nineteen seventy two commenced an action against solicitors for negligence or breach of professional duty in detecting to register the option necessity of so doing .
7 Erm we 've got some stand alone term insurances which are currently paying one pound ninety , so the moment they increase the policy fee they 'll attempt to lapse so we 're writing to all those people now to tell them to increase .
8 In addition to the menus given below you are allowed :
9 When 2 or 3 of these central forms are joined together they are referred to as pole medallions ( pls 1,2 ) .
10 Are keepi You are I mean obviously you are keeping yourself going cos you 're obviously getting out to come here and do bits and bobs but
11 I saw Signe standing among the red-roofed airport huts even before we landed , and while we taxied in she was running and waving and smiling a gigantic smile .
12 the next meeting in March , with very good reason , it clashes with a conference that needs to attend so we 're proposing , with your agreement , that we put it forward a week to the seventeenth of March , is that a problem for anybody ?
13 ‘ I 'd think perhaps she was killed because she wanted too much … and because she would n't have an abortion . ’
14 ‘ Honestly , Mil , ’ said Enid gently , ‘ I know it must have been awful when you were turned into a frog , what with the narrow squeak in the potion lab and everything , but do n't you think perhaps you 're getting a little obsessed with frogs and ponds ?
15 Look at the question and then just close the book and say right I 'm going to try and solve this equation .
16 When they 've had that I say right you 're going to bed now .
17 We 'd have been much better off corralling him , punishing him , because after all , far from gaining economically he 's lost very , very heavily .
18 Her owners fear this will leave Sami without the care he needs so they 're appelaing for a foster-mum .
19 Do n't know so I 'm getting really excited about ,
20 The rest of the family was in the sitting-room and the last time she had looked in they were eating chocolates and sorting through a pile of videos .
21 I could n't give him cover because the see shield is is quite a heavy cumbers cumbersome thing and it has two handles behind it erm and they are obviously the means of holding it up and f for directing it wherever you want so I 'm holding this all the time so he ca n't pass his weapon to me and he ca n't put his weapon in my holster because my gun was in the holster .
22 But in having to work together they are doing no more than thousands of couples and millions of professional people who may not like each other but who understand that there are times when they must look positive .
23 ‘ An' I do n't know 'ow I 'm gooin' ter pay it back if yer leave 'ome now . ’
24 So I expanded to thirty percent on the , they had a Metroset in those days , and I said , you know , this is not likely to work so I 'm sending it out getting handset phototype , so I did .
25 But five days after he moved in he was found by staff horribly scalded across his back and chest lying face up in the bath .
26 In that square place that was over there , it was a pantry , some of them were so fused together they were holding each other .
27 say like we 're moving some equipment from one place to another
28 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
29 ‘ Oh I 'm Vanessa , and when I grow up I 'm going to be an actress . ’
30 When he stands up he is handcuffed .
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