Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then one day I had to go to the Post Office for something — one of them forms I daresay — so I thought I better wrap up , I better take care , you 're very vulnerable after a long illness you know , and I put my old long mack on and one of the kids ' mack hats and Wellingtons and I went out in the rain , feeling , in a depressed sort of way , ‘ Well , if I get ill again , what can I do ?
2 Returning to Fig. 6.2 for a moment , whenever the parameters are altered so that one of the solid lines ( representing homoclinic orbits to the origin ) is crossed , there will be a bifurcation similar to that described above .
3 I asked Terry to come along because one of the things I tho I tho I hope we might get round to spending a few minutes on was about Alan 's raised it before about records coming in er , and what the state of the game is in records coming into us and how we 're transferring that information , or not transferring that information onto dep onto department 's national curriculum er material
4 So I was quite pleased , at the end of my United Airlines flight to Chicago , to discover merely that one of my two bags was missing .
5 You 're storming along and one of the crew , momentarily off guard , disappears overboard .
6 But remember , what starts off as one of these … will soon turn into one of these !
7 Because households may include more than one of the ‘ assessment units ’ used by the DHSS to calculate rates of benefit , RNR is based on the sum of the entitlements of each assessment unit within the household .
8 AST Research Inc is determined to come out as one of the winners in the bitter battle for share in the personal computer market , and yesterday it announced that rather than let the business go in the spin-off of the TE Electronics manufacturing operations , it had made an offer for Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing operations , which had been accepted .
9 You do n't really want Fabbiano to find out that one of his little girls cost him a whoppin' big order . ’
10 When I worked in the prison I found out that one of the other teachers was having an affair with this prisoner .
11 The court has heard that she was arrested after police found out that one of the men she named appeared to be in Scotland at the time of the alleged incident .
12 But they did not know beforehand that one of the children they were about to take suffered from asthma .
13 A Face of War was shot over a 97-day period , and portrays the experiences of Mike Company , 3rd Battalion , 7th Marine Regiment ; during this period Jones was wounded twice and one of his photographers once .
14 ‘ Only with his tongue firmly in his cheek did Stephen Dorrell , Financial Secretary to the Treasury , say recently that one of the things PR people and politicians had in common is ‘ having to explain the good news — and the news you would n't choose to explain ’ . ’
15 Connoisseurs of the self-referentiality of gay culture might care to note that the Pet Shop Boys ' Neil Tennant frequently lists Coward 's Sail Away as one of his favourite songs — it is hard to conceive of any other contemporary pop star having the wit or sly wisdom to make such a choice .
16 But Martin 's two posts ( oboe and musette ) and Jacques 's ( flute and oboe ) , in addition to the instruments they owned , suggest that each played more than one of the above named instruments during an opera performance ( a common practice today for theatre orchestra musicians ) , and were in addition skilled players of stringed instruments .
17 You can then turn the parcel round if you wish to decorate more than one of its faces .
18 We show here that one of the DNA strands of this PPT element , previously termed 71/72 , binds specifically to a protein that is present in protein extracts prepared from rat tissue or adult rat ganglia in culture but absent in established cell lines .
19 That came about because one of the dancers had fallen ill just before they all set out from Cape Town .
20 The ideal Socratic evening came about when one of the speakers was an out-and-out atheist , but sometimes the society could only find speakers of opposing viewpoints within the Christian fold .
21 In the meantime , Henley had become a successful club recognised everywhere as one of the friendliest — where a chap can be assured of a game at weekends by simply turning up looking for one ; a Club with a pretty , well kept , interesting course ; a 19th hole where there is good refreshment and some comfortable chairs ; an excellent Professional 's shop and a social and golfing calendar second to none and the envy of most .
22 Seven out of 10 homes , including more than one in four households with incomes under £60 a week , now own a video recorder a 5pc rise on the previous year .
23 Any number of people may be involved in these roles , whilst it would be quite normal for one person to fulfil more than one of these roles .
24 The pair prepare their chosen site together , cleaning the leaf or other object , sometimes cleaning more than one before making the final choice .
25 As each subject may have used more than one of the strategies when evaluating a person , in order to calculate inter-rater reliability two different judges decided individually which strategy they believed the individuals had described .
26 Above all , very few of them meet more than one of the criteria used in the inner-city for measuring network strength , and the essential reason for this is that their network ties are not mainly territorial .
27 Indeed ideally it will employ more than one of the skills which one has recognized as being competitive strengths .
28 Inverness Sheriff Court was told yesterday that one of the culprits , 29-year-old Joseph Shields , was their neighbour .
29 The men asked some very technical questions and during conversation it turned out that one of them had worked on the construction of the Visitors ’ Centre and another had been employed on the construction of one of the Scottish nuclear power stations . ’
30 Reminded that he would be going back as one of the 10 per cent , ‘ Jacki ’ let go one of the handsome smiles which have made him so popular , but he qualified that by underlining the discomfort he might feel in that situation .
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