Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] they [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time Benny realised properly that they were going to live separate lives though in the same city .
2 Very often the chair in which the dead person used to sit most when they were alive , becomes a chair in which no-one else sits .
3 Thus conditions not in themselves inhuman or degrading became so when they were combined with other bad conditions .
4 It was a reminder of the early days of European seamanship , when captains discouraged their crews from learning how to swim so that they were more likely to sink with their ship than abandon their posts and struggle for shore .
5 Perhaps the fallen girls might behave better if they were not constantly reminded how different they were .
6 Fazal had just come in and they were talking .
7 Why books should know better than them was puzzling to Bradstonians , but they were anxious to please their visitors so did their best to comply .
8 And it was always sort of open house and the nurses used to come in when they were off duty a lot .
9 For two people who both were always in control , this was something of a miracle — to let go of control completely — to trust enough that they were both hurled into the abyss of pure sensation , pure feeling .
10 The shock of Charles and his army appearing suddenly when they were supposed to be usefully employed in far distant Italy filled the Saxons with fear , and they sued for peace .
11 But he certainly was n't the man to have in the driving seat on the union side when both management and workers were striving for the sheer survival of the company , and needed to work together if they were to pull through .
12 Her mother had surprised everyone by dying just as they were recovering from her husband 's death .
13 That way , they would know exactly where they were , and this time , if they turned right , then right again , they would be on course for the station .
14 Belinda did n't know exactly where they were going , and in her five hard-working years in Brisbane had never been through these opulent suburbs before , but in a way it was nicer to surrender herself to a mystery drive .
15 I doubted not that they were law officers , but did not linger for a second look , being already at the casement windows into the side garden .
16 I 'm sure they 'll bounce back because they were difficult to beat . ’
17 Coming to a barrier across the road manned by a pair of bored Italian sentries , Fitzroy Maclean shouted out that they were German staff officers .
18 Not only was the water to be lifted out but they were prepared to erect drawing and pumping machinery to sink deeper .
19 He was always very good at keeping bits and pieces to find out whether they were going to be important or not ) .
20 Thousands of pounds worth of antiques are filling the cells of a police station while officers try to find out whether they were stolen .
21 Instead , the outcome of what seems to have been an uncomfortable occasion was merely that Pound and Lewis took that much longer to find out that they were natural allies .
22 SACHA GIVARSI looked up the children 's TV presenters of the Sixties and Seventies to find out if they were still young at heart .
23 Whitlock turned his attention back to the barbecue and prodded each chop with a steak knife to find out if they were properly cooked .
24 The secretary would phone to find out if they were alright after the accident and if nec necessary contact the chairman .
25 How would a historian manage to get access , or even begin to find out where they were kept ?
26 But I quickly found out that they were just ‘ sussing me out ’ — seeing how tough I was — and when my novelty as a new boy wore off , I was out in the cold .
27 Later , in 1977 after my father 's death , we found out that they were never married , that we were illegitimate .
28 Suffice it to say that I find that had those alterations not been carried out when they were , it would not have been possible for the plaintiff to be discharged from Hunstead Park in May of nineteen ninety since her home would not have been suitable for her .
29 After Johnson was jailed for 5 and a half years for armed robbery and the escape attempt , the Home Office said that a full inquiry had been carried out and they were satisfied there was no negligence by staff at Bullingdon Prison .
30 Yet he knew that most of them would never survive even if they were free and that most would probably want to stay where they had for so long been safe , secure and well fed .
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