Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean alright , perhaps some people have got very good children that sit down and will play with a puzzle for half an hour non-stop , you know , beautifully .
2 I do n't need to copy it down when initially build it but er I might just put a little bit of extra work in I can make so and can copy it down .
3 She only had about fifty pence left from the money she had borrowed from her stepfather the day before , but she hoped that the young Italian barman , who fancied her , had not yet been sacked or moved on and would give her a margarita , free .
4 The strategy outlined last year for the Group , of continued and intense emphasis on cost reduction in all aspects of both businesses , has been pursued vigorously and must continue to be so in these still uncertain economic times .
5 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
6 THE historic Baltic Exchange building , severely damaged in last week 's IRA bomb blast , will not have to be torn down but may take three years to rebuild , said exchange chairman Peter Tudball yesterday .
7 Now they can only represent the area that the observer stands in and can see around him , and erm this leaves many gaps over the surface of the earth where we can not really be sure of what the weather 's doing .
8 Sure you know it 's , it 's a high fence but we could try to jump in and would have done the other , the farmer came with a stick and er he Useful know , no
9 The landscape contract will be let separately and will commence early in 1990 .
10 Confirmed junkies have their own works , but impulse users can get caught short and may use someone else 's .
11 West Mediterranean islands have cooled off and can have rainy days , but walking is still pleasant .
12 He trained yesterday and could put in an appearence .
13 Anticoagulant poisons , poisons affecting the blood system , do not act quickly and would allow time for the ferret to resurface long before suffering any ill effects .
14 That 's how it came about — idiots would clamber onstage and either get slung off or would dive off before Penge 's answer to Sid Justice got hold of them .
15 Soldiers , after all , were ‘ bad ’ at making wills , but obtained concessions on political grounds ; their civilian compatriots were surely just as likely to slip up but could expect no such special treatment : a trust clause could make all the difference to the success of their dying wishes .
16 What they used to do is get the er instructors used to come up and used to take the women down on a six and eight seated sleds , sleigh , toboggans
17 if the other party shall commit any act of bankruptcy , shall have a receiving order made against it , shall make or negotiate for any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or , if the other party being a body corporate shall present a petition or have a petition presented by a creditor for its winding up or shall enter into any liquidation ( other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation ) , shall call any meeting of its creditors , shall have a receiver of all or any to its undertakings or assets appointed , shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts , or shall cease to carry on business
18 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
19 Middle management , typically heads of departments , will ensure that these policies are carried out and will act upon those conditions that veer from this norm ( exceptional conditions ) .
20 Specialists in the field will be familiar with much of the material reviewed here and may wish to pass over it quickly .
21 To be guilty of theft the offender , as I shall call him , must act dishonestly and must have the intention of permanently depriving the owner of property .
22 He concentrated hard but could detect nothing ‘ Doctor ! ’ cried Bernice .
23 If St Pancras can in fact be rehabilitated then that will give me the greatest pleasure , ’ he said .
24 Fearfully , Seb drew closer and could see her dress had been ripped down from the neck to waist .
25 By sticking to the rules of keeping rhythm , balance and impulsions and allowing the fences to come to you , the horse is given the chance to jump athletically and can alter his stride if necessary .
26 The rules of the game are that each person goes alternately and must take at least one match from one line .
27 The majority further contend that a wife who has reported a rape by her husband to the police may subsequently regret having done so and may wish to be reconciled with him .
28 A residence order may be made in favour of two or more people who are not living together and may specify the period which the child shall spend in each household ( s10(4) ) .
29 They all came down and used to come in our rooms and all sorts of other and I met some very ni and of course , all nationalities , you see and no matter what they were , well of course Cambridge has always been noted for different nationalities , has n't it ?
30 Then one of her aides came along and must have thought from the name Adams that I was a nationalist .
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