Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I could really do with a bit of a sit down and summat to drink , so I go down the driveway into the station .
2 Such a dating , however , runs contrary to the other accounts of Molla Fenari 's trip to Egypt and has little or nothing to support it .
3 ‘ . All quite true of course , but it has little or nothing to do with the passage in question , whoch focuses very markedly not on Aeneas but on his father Anchises :
4 The body of work arising from Eugene Garfield 's pioneering efforts in launching his Science Citation Index during the early 1960s has little or nothing to do with evaluation by paper scores ( or their logs ) .
5 One of the oddities , though , is when C and M slip across a piece that has little or nothing to do with the high-tech graphics which preface their speciality corner .
6 He found that the proportion of over-70s registered for a proxy/postal vote varied from 0.7 per cent to 25 per cent in different parts of the country ; this variation has little or nothing to do with geographical or demographic factors .
7 However , the term ‘ disease ’ is slightly unfortunate in this context because it conjures up notions of a ‘ cause ’ that has little or nothing to do with the natural state of the organism but which is imposed on it , having a discontinuous effect ; as , for example , in infectious diseases .
8 But does this apparent wide-scale support for examinations disguise another motive , that has little or nothing to do with either the practicality or desirability of examining children 's work in these subjects ?
9 It is possible that those who work in education , even at senior management level , lack the confidence to press for this sort of recognition ; a diffidence which has its origin in the perceived ‘ otherness ’ referred to above , combined with the erroneous view that education has little or nothing to offer a commercial board-room .
10 One reason why ants are so sophisticated is because of their complex language of chemical communication , which Dr Wilson has done more than anyone to elucidate .
11 William Cobbett , the nineteenth-century essayist , perhaps has done more than anyone to influence our feelings about the rural .
12 The Samdporia defender , whose mistakes have done more than anything to throw the team into crisis , remains the manager 's favourite .
13 Once this is achieved , she suggests , the dichotomy between realism and relativism becomes irrelevant ; both will proceed in the same way in trying to sort out what is going on and what to do .
14 They also do not know what is going on or what to do next .
15 Then the old girl turned up and him to stop him mutilating him bit more .
16 The hard part was deciding what to put in and what to leave out .
17 In the third , medical advisers have developed a management role in the family health services authority , addressed wider health strategy , and planned practice development ; pharmaceutical advisers have led in all aspects of prescribing , involving the medical adviser only when the issue is whether to prescribe rather than what to prescribe .
18 The second was a letter to everyone who had volunteered , thanking them for offering to come , and saying when to turn up and what to bring .
19 One planner commented that he had difficulty in knowing where and who to approach to seek advice on how to find information .
20 There are millions of people who admit to being members of the two Christian churches and their various sects , but who do little or nothing to give substance to that admission .
21 But it would have taken more than me to convince Harold Wilson that this was so and that conspiracies were not afoot .
22 The usage of ‘ race ’ during the September-October 1985 period took on new meanings , which had little if anything to do with the impact of racism as such , since the emphasis was on the cultural characteristics of the minority communities themselves .
23 When people do not know how to bring up or what to teach their children their cultural heritage is indeed in jeopardy .
24 A faith worn on the sleeve , to be seen and not hidden ; a faith that touches every detail of life ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that earthquakes , terrorists , cholera , drought , power cuts , water shortages , poverty and bad housing will never shake .
25 A faith worn on the sleeve , to be seen and not hidden ; a faith that touches every detail of life ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that earthquakes , terrorists , cholera , drought , power cuts , water shortages , poverty and bad housing will never shake .
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