Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Susie , 41 , has suffered from multiple sclerosis for 20 years and knows from first-hand experience the difficulty in finding facilities geared up for those who actually gain most from regular exercise .
2 Pre-emptive analgesia may be relevant to the management of chronic pain ; a Danish study showed a reduction of phantom limb pain for up to one year when ischaemic pain was treated effectively with epidural analgesia before amputation .
3 It is not just that the academic protocols of putative objectivity , cross referencing and theoretical vocabulary sit uneasily beside political polemic which reads so differently from the equally strict conventions of focused brevity in the local government or consultant 's report , although these issues of style are themselves not minor .
4 It was not until the following summer that Cadwallon surprised Osric 's forces and slew the Deiran leader , thereafter ravaging widely across Anglian territory and slaying Eanfrith when he came to sue for peace ( HE 111 , 1 ) .
5 The last Archdeacon of Woodborough , a genial and easy man , had invited all the priests of his eight deaneries to a fork supper laid on with great relish by his wife , a woman whose every fibre rejoiced at being a clergy wife .
6 She was small and dark , with rimless spectacles , and became matronly in middle age .
7 Liquid mixtures which deviate widely from ideal behaviour can not be separated by fractional distillation .
8 The persona of ‘ the Watcher ’ , which dominates his best writing , was already being formed : his way forward lay somewhere between social openness and egotistical restlessness .
9 Data were downloaded on to magnetic tape for long term storage .
10 This bad feeling er lived on into old age .
11 Lived on into old age .
12 He compares these people with the more conservative of our piscatorial ancestors who , a billion years ago , resisted the temptation to clamber on to dry land and decided to stay where they were .
13 The hot water cylinder is , in fact , used as the ‘ heat sink ’ for many solid fuel boiler systems allowing somewhere for excess heat to be dissipated ( sometimes a bathroom towel rail is used for the same purpose ) .
14 The DNF contained patriotic leftist Koreans led astray by communist propaganda ; it was important to persuade such people to support moderation and democracy .
15 As for Edward — it was clear that I 'd stumbled on to sensitive ground .
16 William Howitt , in his Rural Life in England , 1838 , wrote of the Dent knitters , ‘ The knitting goes on with unremitting speed … they burn no candle but knit by the light of the peat fire . ’
17 It examines the conditions under which a voting equilibrium exists ; and then goes on to representative democracy .
18 This field , again , is important , since without it , as we shall see , great harm to living creatures could occur as a result of what goes on in outer space .
19 Well I think really what one must look for now is more detailed research on what actually goes on in mixed ability classrooms .
20 Well I think really what one must look for now is more detailed research on what actually goes on in mixed ability classrooms .
21 Fig. 1.2 shows the essentials of the system design process but since feed-back paths are omitted this figure does not indicate either the repetition and iteration which goes on in operational design or the different possible priorities and variability in the order of decision-making .
22 The mustard goes on like acrylic paint , and the world is not my oyster .
23 It was discreetly positioned and bore the letters ‘ NR ’ painted on with white paint : NR for ‘ Nature Reserve ’ .
24 He at once declared his intention to carry on as Prime Minister .
25 If non-farming activities reach the VAT registration threshold , farmers will be required to register for all their activities , farming and non-farming , and will not be able to carry on as flat rate farmers .
26 So , with Sheringham still unfit , Cascarino will have to soldier on with inexperienced support .
27 The conditions of the fifties meant that it was natural " for praise to be heaped on to democratic politics since it seemed to be doing the job very nicely .
28 The Troop Staff Sergeant detailed to supervise the construction was insistently calling the rafts into the head of the bridge , where they coupled on with remarkable rapidity .
29 It was diagnosed eventually as congenital heart failure , though at first doctors thought it was liver failure , but it had also affected the lungs .
30 Regular post natal classes were started by Kent County Council Health Department at Sidcup , KENT in 1943 on the recommendation of Dr. Anni Knoll ; it was here that Molly was persuaded to teach again in 1947 , starting the snowball which led eventually to nationwide representation .
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