Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] every time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , you wo n't want to input them every time you run the program either .
2 and ran to meet me every time I sang
3 Hoey claims the SAS watch on the royals is so rigorous that Di must alert them every time she wants to move a piece of furniture or a even a painting at Highgrove or Kensington Palace .
4 Courier had never beaten the German in five previous meetings , never looked like doing so yesterday and said : ‘ He just beats me every time we play .
5 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
6 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
7 Regarding the Marshall , I criticised the fact that you could n't set it up in a rack with , say , a radio system and leave it rigged , because you 'd have to unplug it every time you used it .
8 Gannets amaze and impress me every time I see them .
9 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
10 He says it every time I fall asleep on settee .
11 The Cathedral could be got into at any time by the Bishop 's door , given how unlikely it was that the Bishop in his currently abstracted state should remember to lock it every time he used it .
12 So if your virus scanner was set to check once a day it would not run it every time you boot up , only the first time you booted up that day , excellent !
13 I could relive it every time I came in through the front door .
14 I read it every time I wanted to think of home — the tears used to come to my eyes . ’
15 He keeps like going it every time he
16 To protect your bike , always lock it every time you leave it , even if it 's only for a few minutes .
17 Cos I keep buying them every time they 're half price
18 Yeah well I did n't wan na have to sit here waiting for you , cos I know you every time you say oh so and so
19 It 's great fun using a calculator when it 's a new toy but when you 've got to use it every time you need to work something out ,
20 I get it , I get it every time I come into one of these but I I hope that I 've got it in got them in formation .
21 I get it every time I go swimming
22 They have the same consultant and same nursing team treating them every time they are admitted .
23 They have the same consultant and same nursing team treating them every time they are admitted .
24 The answers involve asking ourselves every time we are ill , what benefits that illness brings us .
25 Buttons was played by a young Tommy Steele and Ken was Portia , a sister so ugly that he almost frightened himself every time he looked in the mirror .
26 Coincidentally a few days later reporters of the tabloid press began to gather outside his flat , questioning him every time he entered or left .
27 soon as everybody down found out , they go like that , ‘ Oh , come on then ’ , you know , started saying it every time they see me , you know .
28 Only the truly virtuous strip their tack and clean it every time it 's used — the rest of us simply do n't have time .
29 David Beaton poulticed it every time he could get the old man to stay at peace long enough , but as soon as it started to heal Eachuinn would be up and about , restless , until the deep puncture festered and broke out again .
30 Fernando had beaten her every time they played so a practice session on her own might be a good idea .
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