Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] a [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Can you lend me a fiver while our Corrinne comes home ?
2 I ca n't remember which of David 's songs led into that — I shudder to think — but there was another lovely one about a little coat — sell me a coat because I feel cold .
3 ‘ The nature garden has given everyone a lift and will be somewhere that the children can enjoy . ’
4 And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years .
5 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
6 You got me a ticket but I did n't go did I .
7 ‘ They made me a general 'cause I 'm old .
8 Well , he 's given me a ticket and he 's gon na give , loads of us going , there 's about ten of us !
9 Liza had given me a gin and tonic and when Granny turned up it was quite clear that she disapproved .
10 Liz would have given me a thermos and a book .
11 ‘ They 've given me a roomette or some such , but I take this thing seriously .
12 then Sandy has n't given me a time but I think I 'd suggested to him between six and seven I think people like that they do n't have to go home and
13 I 'm up on a stage , with a play going on all round me , but no one 's given me a script and I do n't know what to say or do .
14 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
15 Anyway , I said to Rick , ‘ Look , if you 're going to try to sell me something that I 'm going to play , make me a guitar that 's a cross between an Alembic and a Les Paul , but make it simple . ’
16 ‘ I just make me a chair and spend lazy afternoons watching the clouds . ’
17 One because the nation was sort of a people who had seen themselves homeless from these start and God had given them a home so they took special care of sojourners and aliens , and secondly , I think , because they had an enlightened attitude towards debt .
18 I 'm not sure if she said tha that Rosie had , had given them a lecture or something once , then I said oh !
19 John wanted to be in bed so that the night would be over quickly and he could move off the next morning ; Mr Stephens had a neighbour who would lend them a handcart and John wanted to be able to push the furniture the eight miles uphill to Crossbridge , settle it , and return the handcart the same day .
20 He sent for Marko and told him , " You must plant me a vineyard and bring me wine from it in seven days .
21 He passed me a map and a brochure he had picked up at the hotel .
22 He passed me a note that was propped behind a bottle of Long John .
23 Now they now said come on let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its
24 A " customer " is a person with or for whom a firm carries on , or merely intends to carry on , " regulated business " or other business carried on in connection with that regulated business ; the reference to " other business " does not make someone a customer if he would not otherwise be but seems merely to extend the scope of the activities covered by the COB Rules .
25 Please send me a subscription so I can cancel it in disgust .
26 So I said send me a cheque and I 'll go and shop .
27 The old girl should do her duty and send me a postcard if she can take the time off from her toy-boys .
28 ‘ Great ’ , said Wilcock , ‘ send me a copy and I 'll plug it in my Voice column . ’
29 If you are male , 18+ , at peace with yourself or trying , then send me a line or two .
30 Send me a Capex and I 'll run it up the flagpole . ’
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