Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] and we 'll " in BNC.

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1 Untie it , bring it here and if someone asks you why you 're doing that , tell them that the master needs it and we 'll send it back at once .
2 Then I 'll do like , if I 've got bread rolls I 'll do them and we 'll go upstairs , we 'll take drinks up with us and we 'll eat that , and then the next morning we wake up and the bedroom 's stinking of pickles and things like that you know ?
3 And what I 'd like to do is , we do welcome this Act cos y'know we 're not dog in a manger , when there 's a good Act well , we 'll welcome it and we 'll say so .
4 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
5 In the meantime I 'll arrange for our dietician to see you and we 'll keep a note of this for our own records , but if you 're at all worried , do come and see either myself or Dr Grant at any time .
6 Erm because you can come and see me and we 'll we we can talk about it a bit because I actually have got some thoughts .
7 ‘ They 'll follow us and we 'll never get rid of them . ’
8 Go and get it and we 'll see we 'll see if we can help .
9 Well not the least interesting moment in that first half was that peculiar back pass and the free kwick kick which followed it and we 'll come to that in a moment .
10 Tell us and we 'll try to provide or support it ’ , they will suddenly find themselves being attacked for ‘ not doing their job ’ and ‘ abdicating their responsibilities ’ .
11 You tell us and we 'll tell Nottinghamshire for free so that 's What 's On B B C Radio Nottingham Box two two two in Nottingham Nottingham N G one three H Z to write to and do n't forget tonight as well er if you want to come out and see us we 're doing Drinking Partners our pub quiz er we 're in the Star Inn on Middle Street in Beeston and the evening there starts at eight o'clock .
12 he said any time you see anything or hear anything that 's of value at all , come and tell us and we 'll pay you every time
13 So if you 'd like to go down the stairs there there are some coats oh your coats and things and I will er go and come and join you and we 'll we 'll take off and look at the outside .
14 Then collect me and we 'll head off to the Yard to deal with the mess that 's going on there . ’
15 They ju er you know people hear er the sales consultants doing courses right now erm you know find that that we 'll print them and we 'll probably print them in in by May although they 'll have needed some cards .
16 I 'll have to handle this myself : ‘ You tell us who sent you and we 'll skip all this . ’
17 We love him and we 'll always remember him
18 until I could see physically they have rebuilt it , I mean I wo n't even say yes we 'll do it if you do it , I 'm going to say you do it and we 'll give you a
19 If the odd buyer hits a software bug , well , bad luck , call us and we 'll talk you through it .
20 Follow them and we 'll guarantee a successful hairstyle every time .
21 I 'll wake you and we 'll stop somewhere for breakfast .
22 So I rang up they said er , oh we 'll order them and we 'll get back to you of how much they are .
23 We 'll try and find her and we 'll ring you if
24 ‘ Look , if it does n't work out , come back and see us and we 'll try to do something for you , OK ? ’
25 Me and Ember , we 'll go to Maggie 's and he 'll help us and we 'll find Ches and everything ‘ ll be fine
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