Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] could do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Asked to sum up in a sentence the essence of his long career as a reporter , he considers the question for a few seconds , laughs , and says : ‘ I do n't think I could do better than quote my old friend the late Jimmy Robinson , who was the Daily Mail 's man in Belfast for many years .
2 I mean that 's the only thing in here you ca n't put I mean I could do away with me birds and have another single chair standing there , but it shortens your room
3 — The question of job swaps was not clear in Tim 's paper — for example for Area Secretaries it meant that they wanted to job swap they could do so by moving region
4 He discovered in the weeks and months that passed a real passion ; a task that was not only deeply therapeutic , but one that he also found he could do rather well .
5 They have left , believing they could do better for themselves elsewhere , and then having gone they dream always of returning .
6 Strathclyde told it could do better with green policies
7 It assumed it could do so again .
8 I 'd have thought you could do better than that , Miss Holbrook .
9 After 1976 and a disastrous Lotus season ( a mere 29 points ) , Ronnie had thought he could do better at Tyrrell , though once again fate was to forestall his ambitions .
10 Barton , who wanted to telephone his paper , was told he could do so later , ‘ in the nick ’ .
11 Snooker : ‘ If we had to replace our tobacco sponsors , we believe we could do so … ’ — David Harrison , Chief Executive , World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association ( WPBSA ) .
12 in particular and , and some put gateway effect and possibly the ramble you see for example on the A twelve at Brandon in , er , er Brentham rather is something that we feel we could do readily and in the near future , so an element of that is calming in the very foreseeable future , more comprehensive traffic calming a little further into the horizon and I 'm afraid the bypass some time much further into the horizon , I think Chairman , I hope that er Miss that 's an adequate summary of our discussion .
13 You see one of the things I 've done , I 've , I 've done , er I feel we could do quite easily , is make our play barns more accessible to young people , you know .
14 They are individual initiatives , but I still feel inside myself , my conscience is saying we could do more .
15 Do you think they could do better this time ? ’
16 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
17 I made the mistake of giving in too often and paying her so much attention that eventually she felt she could do exactly as she pleased .
18 She thought you could do better than that .
19 This change came about not because we were getting too big for our binding , rather we felt we could do better justice to the rich pageant of life at Sainsbury 's with more elbow room .
20 We knew we could do better than that , so we just decided to take the time and not put anything out we were n't happy with . ’
21 There they sit on reserved seats in the Commons , Her Majesty 's Loyal Opposition , only metres away from their government counterparts , knowing they could do so much better .
22 This is traditional children 's Christmas holiday fare and those of you with sprogs still naive enough to appreciate it could do worse than plonk them in front of this when they start the equally traditional post-present grizzling .
23 He does n't criticize the vice-president marketing 's expert judgement nor pretend he could do better himself .
24 As usual , he thought he could do just as he pleased , without any regard for the consequences .
25 The general thought he could do better , and for a time considered launching his own party .
26 ‘ But I do n't think he could do that much damage . ’
27 And today the Executive admitted it could do better when it came to grounds maintenance in that area of the city .
28 If you go immediately to Grasmere — unless other fish are being fried , but your letters are too vague for me to judge — ( what are you doing ? ) — then I think you could do well .
29 Despite this little flurry of world premières , Lin wishes he could do more .
30 ‘ I wish I could do more .
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