Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] can [vb infin] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 John Selwyn Gummer , Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food There is no point in producing a list of microwave ovens without giving the detailed instructions so that those using them can improve their performance .
2 And there 's three girls in this netball and do you think I can think their names of us ?
3 His voice was husky when he said , ‘ I do n't think I can keep my hands off you much longer , Sarella …
4 I do n't think I can find her lodgings , but I could try to get her into a home .
5 She does n't even know I can read her sub-text ! )
6 Do yer know she can send yer ter prison if yer do n't pay ?
7 The new rules say you can drop your worst two results but the title will still go to the rider who is the most consistent .
8 If you really want you can balance your print at the burn and dodge stage .
9 Many pitches are on steep slabs with wonderful ‘ letter-box ’ holds you can sink your whole hand in !
10 I hope I can reassure my hon. Friends that the framework of duties within the Bill does not create such a divide .
11 ‘ I just hope I can do her justice .
12 Dot started to say , ‘ I hope I can bring my Dad down to visit you some day . ’
13 By means of the Army List you can choose your own Orc and Goblin force , equip your own warlord and his entourage of shamans and bosses , and descend upon your quaking foes with the awesome power of the Waaagh behind you !
14 A woman wanted for questioning about the disappearance of thousands of pounds of charity money says she can prove her innocence .
15 Melinda says she can sell her services 40 per cent cheaper than when she had a showroom .
16 This done you can obtain your certificate of madness , as a fun souvenir of Gubbio , from the nearby shop !
17 You 're making a mistake if you imagine you can manipulate my life like before .
18 It says you can cut your motoring costs and use less petrol ‘ and that does n't mean doing less miles ’ .
19 P.S. I hope you can print my letter — Tennis World , and keep up your high standards .
20 If you follow the recommendations we have made you can adapt your usual eating regime to make it more nutritious .
21 THE Northern League 's Easter ‘ Ground Hoppers ’ weekend gathers pace : there 's even been an enquiry from Cork and a chap in Birmingham who says we can use his name to guarantee Northern League hospitality .
22 Next week we shall be in Scotland with the Helensborough and Gerloch Horticultural Society so I hope we can cultivate your interest again then but for now from Daphne , Fred Walter and from me Stefan goodbye and may I wish a joyous and peaceful Christmas to all of our gardening friends everywhere .
23 Some girls have the relationship with their mothers that if anything happens they can tell their mother .
24 I want to leave by about ten tomorrow so I 'll get on to a garage first thing in the morning and hope they can fix my car straight away . ’
25 I really hope they can raise their game and get us back into the Premier Division .
26 Those who have missed the target altogether just hope they can find their arrows .
27 He says he can find his way up the Orinoco and discover the Seven Cities of Gold where the streets are paved with precious metals , and dusky , full-bosomed maidens scatter gems and pennies .
28 If he 's really interested he can do his own asking .
29 Now Wales hope he can boost their World Cup qualifying hopes against the Group Four leaders who have taken maximum points from their opening four games .
30 Well , that 's all right ; I suppose people figure he can spend his money on whatever .
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