Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] had [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 But how could he tell Florrie , without explaining what had happened on that night , long ago ?
2 My master described what had happened on the trackway earlier that day .
3 I had no means of knowing what sort of line I had kept on my cross-country stumble , but it had been NNE as near as I could make it .
4 I located a couple of book reviews I had done on matters to do with the period , one about writers of the thirties , the other about the Mass Observation project , added a letter in which I wrote a little about the book I was writing and sent them off .
5 A friend had said he recalled they had worked on an ocean liner docked in Liverpool after the war alongside men stripping out asbestos , Det Sgt Cedric Jones told the hearing .
6 She could not believe she had rounded on him in the way she had .
7 He claimed he had fallen on a bottle .
8 If they leave wishing it had gone on longer , you 've succeeded .
9 ‘ You almost make me wish I had enrolled on your course , ’ said Melissa , with a certain lack of sincerity .
10 Suppose you had lived on the moon , ’ Stavrogin interrupted …
11 They might also have been superfluous because he was now saying he had succeeded on his own .
12 I felt I had stumbled on the city 's ghetto quarter .
13 ‘ I had just left training school and really thought I had landed on my feet .
14 ‘ I thought you had sailed on the schooner with the others . ’
15 At first the spy thought he had stumbled on something worth investigating : Wordsworth carried a telescope , and Coleridge was surveying the river ( he was in fact making notes for a projected long poem , The Brook ) ; furthermore , Coleridge 's oft-repeated references to ‘ Spy Nosy ’ were assumed by the Home Office spy to be aimed at him personally — he had presumably never heard of Spinoza , the philosopher of the moment .
16 For an instant , startled by that snapping sound , he thought he had trodden on a twig .
17 But he followed closely behind her and presented himself to her mother with another of the staccato nods he had learned on the parade ground .
18 ‘ The 10 days ’ delay and the heavy casualties this small force and the RAF who supported them had inflicted on the enemy were of inestimable value at this critical stage of the battle . ’
19 I t had been a lightning love I had felt on that bench , I was sure — too sudden , too amazing — but nevertheless love
20 In another , she was a small speck overwhelmed by a vast and writhing darkness that reminded her of nothing so much as pictures she had seen on the cover of Tcherkassoff 's album Black Holes , and Other Singularities .
21 He 'd wondered countless times , ever since that first call it had played on his mind .
22 Mr Armstrong said : ‘ He made a statement to the police making no complaint against his wife but claiming he had fallen on a knife . ’
23 However , she said she had travelled on trains and buses to the Lancashire resort .
24 The crew said they had survived on the upturned hull , sleeping huddled together in a compartment the size of a double bed .
25 As Caparo showed , there had to be a specific relationship between the function that the defendant was requested to perform and the transaction in relation to which the plaintiff said he had relied on proper performance .
26 But when Kenneth Bowler was treated at hospital and when he made a statement to the police he said he had fallen on a fishing knife when he was drunk .
27 When I explained what had happened on the train he shook his head and said one should never trust the Moors .
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