Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] they [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 How do they know what they say is true ?
2 Hewlett-Packard Labs and AT&T Microelectronics have co-developed what they believe is the first technology to transmit data at 100 Mbits/s across existing voice-grade unshielded twisted-pair cable .
3 I think perhaps the most important thing is that voluntary agencies should do what they believe is right , and not allow their own objectives to be distorted , simply because a , of particular flavours , which is why I 'm saying let us grab the agenda and write the agenda , rather than have the agenda set for us by other people .
4 ‘ My dear , they 'll do whatever they feel is necessary to do .
5 For example it is not known if landlords will be prevented from making unfair rent rises to cover what they claim is the cost of the Council Tax .
6 Cats do often pause after catching their prey and momentarily release what they imagine is a corpse before settling down to the business of eating it .
7 ‘ Obviously , everyone has to do what they think is right , ’ he said .
8 This view is common to the ‘ Action Men ’ among Easton 's section police who are called upon to do what they consider is the job of the social services .
9 Whether people like or dislike what they see is a matter of attitudes , not perceptions .
10 They feel nothing they do is important enough for their parents to bother about .
11 From country cottage to grand hotel — all displaying the signs are inspected by the English Tourist Board each year to ensure what they claim is what you 'll find .
12 Organiser John Morgans said it was the biggest and best ever and confirmed the festival will go ahead next year , though where is not certain as Darlington prepare to move from McMullen Road to start what they hope is a new era of success .
13 In the meantime ramblers say they 'll continue to campaign what they say is the right to enjoy their forest .
14 Fans of the great British sausage have formed an appreciation society to protect what they say is a healthy and nutritious food .
15 Firstly , the order took nine weeks to complete which they feel is unacceptably long .
16 I think what they mean is that they appear so intent on their work that they do n't seem to notice onlookers .
17 I think what they mean is , they 're putting a floor , well , I know what it means , they 're putting a floor so they can store stuff across the erm ,
18 Working towards the development of 256M-bit dynamic memory chips , NEC Corp scientists have developed what they claim is the world 's smallest electronic cell with a surface area of just 0.54 square microns .
19 They will make what they feel is the right decision . ’
20 Late risers always exasperate early risers like myself , who hate to miss what they know is the best part of the day .
21 you see , I mean what they do is soon as they 've kicked them out in the mental homes they 're having to put them in to erm , I mean erm , there are people who are not able to be on their own , I mean the ones they 've kicked out are people that have been depressed and say well you 've got to find , get your family to help , I mean , when you 've got somebody depressed in your family you try and help them
22 Two brothers have unveiled what they say is the car of the future .
23 Under the Food Safety Act , they have an obligation to show everything they sell is a wholesome product on which the consumer can rely .
24 see what they do is they start you off and then they give you now what action do get from these words .
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