Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] from [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Soon , with his promised posting to Mrs Thatcher 's office , he would see it from inside the office of the Leader of Her Majesty 's Loyal Opposition .
2 If the therapist had approached the problem in this way she may well have avoided alienating herself from both the patient and her parents and thereby becoming largely ineffective .
3 After this he will be required to make it over to a family member , just as any heir who succeeded him from outside the family would be required to do .
4 There may be as many as two hundred hairs per square millimetre , giving the cat an excellent fur coat that can protect it from even the most severe night air .
5 The cut of the assassin 's sword had split it from below the shoulder to the hem .
6 Hence , there is a danger of the children knowing the act already , so it is a good idea to get someone from outside the usual circuit .
7 They put it in a bath and filmed it from above the surface of the water as it moved feebly about , but they were unable to get any detailed shots .
8 Viewers usually only see me from above the bump up . ’
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