Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] he have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sara said as Slater , turning briefly to greet somebody he had just passed , came over to them .
2 But Mr Curry told them he had specifically asked to take the debate as there were many sheep farmers in his Skipton and Ripon constituency .
3 The management rep told me he 'd even heard whispers of sympathetic action among the statistical clerks .
4 I remember some years ago being called by a man who told me he had just now heard things for the first time in the Beethoven Fifth .
5 When I complained to one of the newspaper 's senior editors , he told me he had just rejected an article highly critical of me and ray position .
6 ‘ He told me he had once nearly gone in for psychiatry .
7 Barney sniggered then continued , ‘ Selwyn Hopkins told me he has just bought a motorbike .
8 He told himself he had fully intended to make all those arrangements in any case .
9 In such cases the employer is not liable in general for any wrong which consists in the improper carrying out of such work , though he will , of course , be liable if unlawful acts are done which he has actually authorized .
10 She nodded and then , as steadily as she had accepted everything he had so far said , ‘ Colonel Moore will want to write his letters , of course .
11 Giving the evidence a last , closer examination before leaving , Mungo noticed something he had previously overlooked .
12 Henry could not quite work out why , since her pleasantness was not always followed by a request for money or some other favour ; perhaps she was remembering something he had quite forgotten , an incident during their courtship perhaps ( they must have had a courtship ) or a Henry , now lost to Henry himself , who could have inspired feelings such as pleasure .
13 Then she told herself he had only got the better of her because she was , as he had so rightly said , suffering from shock and exhaustion .
14 So I told him he 'd better go , because by this time I was bubbling a bit and I wanted to kill the man : I was n't really prepared to lose any time over hitting a court welfare officer .
15 I told him he 'd better tell his friends , or his girlfriends , that when they call at our house if they do n't give names , they 're not talking to him !
16 They continued chatting for a while , in which time Nigger got the definite impression that the six months in jail that Terry told him he had recently endured for receiving stolen property , had taught him nothing at all .
17 Dr Francis Odling-Smee , a lecturer at Brunel University , Middlesex , said his father , when in his late 70s , told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life .
18 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
19 When one of Ken 's friends told her he had just bought a new television set — a 17-inch console — she commented : ‘ Seventeen inches ?
20 ‘ One listener even told us he had never been taken in by anything until this . ’
21 If he 'd only told them he 'd just had a baby , things might have been different .
22 It was only later , when I was lying in my bed , with the neon lights of a bar across the road flickering on the curtains and music blaring , that I remembered Ward standing in the saloon of the Cutty Sark and asking Iris Sunderby who she had in mind as navigator , who the man was who had convinced her he had also seen a ship locked in the ice of the Weddell Sea .
23 " I wonder what he would have said , Chuck , if I 'd told him he 'd just served a drink to someone who 's probably going to be much more important one day than a run-of-the-mill Democratic senator from Virginia ? "
24 As her body confirmed what he 'd already guessed she had neither the will nor wit to attempt to deny it any more .
25 The Daily Express had arrived in his absence and its front page confirmed what he had already heard from Mrs Pettifer up at the Manor .
26 He practises what he has always preached — respect and tolerance for people of whatever religion , who try to live a good life by their own creed .
27 He could not believe what he had just lived through .
28 Walsh was ecstatic : now the paper was looking far beyond the Right-On supporters ' group and being told what he had always wanted to believe — there was a large group of solid working-class people fed up with the frivolity in the existing tabloids .
29 She did not utter what he had always got .
30 He was there to do something he has never done since he left the Conservative party in 1974 .
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