Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] is [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Cashiers ' keys which identify the cashier or shift which is printed on the folios ( bills ) vouchers and audit journals .
2 He makes it his business to know what is happening on the street — although he is rarely if ever seen there himself these days — and feeds these spontaneous trends into the crucible of high fashion , to make it fizz and bubble .
3 Robin Gibson says it is consulted on average about once a week by prospective sitters and stresses that the gallery does not act as an intermediary between the artist and the client .
4 Primary Image Ltd from Kingston-upon-Thames says it is working on a new version of its Stride multichannel graphics system that will enable users to scan photographic images on personal computers .
5 Gresham says it is working on similar deals and will also begin marketing the product itself to open systems transaction processing users .
6 However , the new versions do not support the de facto OSF/Motif graphical user interface standard — though the Sun version does support OpenLook — and Motif support may not even feature by the time the RS/6000 version is delivered , though ICL says it is working on it .
7 ‘ He must feel he is walking on water at the moment , but come Christmas when the goals do n't go in , what happens then ?
8 ‘ I have taken souls to my Masters , Wolfprince , and every one I give them is placed on the Silver Scales of Justice . ’
9 The principle is that the , the decision to discharge somebody is based on a clinical decision presses the button to start the process and but I mean that 's , that 's how it works .
10 Codex officials say that governments are responsible for deciding who is represented on the committees .
11 However , if one party is to bear the costs of the other it is important to specify this in the heads and ensure it is binding on all parties .
12 EVERYONE must be wondering what is happening on the Mid-Hants Railway , the ‘ Watercress Line ’ , having received the startling news from the pages of a contemporary magazine that volunteers have been resigning from the work force in substantial numbers .
13 Well I think er yeah I definitely have to agree with you that we 're not hearing enough of them but I suppose more and more now people are starting to record you know a little bit more of the older stuff and I think what 's happened on the pop scene that they 've absolutely dried up as regards er creating new music you know and people are going into computerized music now and you know everything is played on the one machine and it 's getting like a er I do n't know it 's as as if you do n't really have to be a musician any more .
14 The presence of carbon is the most interesting aspect of the carbonaceous chondrites , because life as we know it is based on carbon chemistry .
15 But the English reader has a label ready to tie on to Theophile Gautier ; and by this time we can guess what is written on it — ‘ arid aestheticism ’ .
16 The duty solicitor takes what is presented on the day .
17 The set us is run on a Fluval 4 internal power filter .
18 He tries to peer right through my eyeballs to read what is written on my retina .
19 Repeat these four rows knit and six rows slip several more times , until you have knitted a sizable piece of fabric , and are happy that you understand what is happening on the machine .
20 When the card is fed through the machine , the teacher 's voice is played back , and the pupil can simultaneously read whatever is written on the card .
21 It has been criticised there on the grounds that any decision on lending which is based on how many characteristics an applicant shares with good or bad payers can not directly reflect the reality of whether or not that individual will be a good payer .
22 Tragically , her father 's suicide coincides with the shattering discovery that her cousin Charles ' interest in marrying her is based on greed — not love .
23 USL is appealing the judge 's decision claiming he is mistaken on a matter of law .
24 I think it is advanced on ‘ George Best ’ , it 's got a different , rockier sound to it , ’ Gedge told Sounds .
25 Although a ‘ mature ’ lady , I am a supporter of ‘ save the terrace ’ and can not agree that seats are necessary — fans will stand up most of the time anyway , as we did last Sunday , and seats are more of a hazard when leaning over to see what is happening on the pitch .
26 Lobby groups must wait until the autumn to see what is proposed on VAT and fuel , and on the public expenditure review in general , not to mention Labour 's social justice commission , which means the parties ' ideological battle lines are looking blurred .
27 This is a very large issue mostly beyond the scope of this book except to note that ergonomics is an exemplar of a style of thinking which is based on characteristics of people .
28 The best-placed person is the chairman of a meeting who is able to direct who should speak ( and to stop them ! ) and therefore knows who is speaking on what subject and when .
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