Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [Wh det] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He asked me what should be done about the action .
2 ‘ Now , Creggan , you asked me what can be done for Slorne in these autumn weeks of change and frustration .
3 A friend who talked recently with the State Department Cuba desk asked them what would be necessary for a lifting of the embargo .
4 A will in my judgment is a document which must at least purport to contain something which can be described as a testamentary disposition .
5 When this first draft has been done the researcher has something which can be worked on .
6 In particular , it may foster the inventor 's ill-informed optimism that he has something which can be developed and exploited for commercial gain .
7 He wanted to write something which would be profoundly true and he would have liked to have corrected the image of Modigliani which developed very early on in a number of dubious publications .
8 When Charles Temple , impelled by his love of logical discourse , asked himself what might be the ultimate evolution of the system of Indirect Rule , he replied that , by allowing ‘ natural conditions to exert their influence in a manner modified to meet the requirements of the native group ’ , Indirect rule would ‘ in due course of time ’ , render that group ‘ robust enough to stand by itself ’ .
9 Although we can not expect them to become typographers or graphic designers , we do believe that even in the short time available during our course we can give them what might be called an aesthetic awareness that will enable them to make reasonable decisions in their future work .
10 ‘ Then if you do , you can show me what must be done .
11 Returning to our canine theme , dogs still carry with them the same instincts possessed by their wild ancestors , still remaining members of that same species — the wild wolf — even after so many generations of breeding have made them what must be the most diverse species upon Earth .
12 300 sample charts show you what can be recorded from longwave and shortwave radiofax stations .
13 At the final meeting between Kerr , Glanville and the Director , Kerr told him what would be in the report , and it was a brief meeting because the Director said ‘ he had nothing to say ’ .
14 Are you fitting anything which may be potentially dangerous or impair the performance of items such as brakes , steering , etc. ?
15 David decided to test out the conditions — his ten years of experience showed us what could be achieved with practice .
16 Domesticated horses , again like , people , can be conditioned to have other needs too , and can learn to like or want something which would be of no interest to a wild horse .
17 ‘ You tell me what can be that important . ’
18 Explaining his decision , he originally felt that he ‘ would be very unlikely ever to have available the full weight of a team and a manufacturer to give me what should be a reasonable opportunity ( to win the championship ) . ’
19 They agreed to do nothing which could be construed as recognition of the current Soviet government .
20 Tell you what would be a good idea .
21 I tell you what might be the answer , colleagues , a fortnight 's compulsory re recruitment campaign for these people .
22 There are plenty of ‘ green ’ activists or organisations who tell us what should be done , but we need to ensure that money is spent effectively .
23 Where research studies have been carried out in different parts of the country it is difficult to disentangle anything which might be attributed to regional variations specifically , from other systematic variations by gender , class , ethnicity or variations over time ( that is where changes in patterns of family relationships have occurred between the 1960s and the 1980s ) .
24 Readers may like to think about the sort of policy interactions involved by asking themselves what would be the effects upon social life and social policy of the reintroduction of a two-year period of compulsory national service .
25 Scholars , theologians and a host of other people can spend their whole lives delving into the chaos of unlimited literature , and yet never produce anything which could be an acceptable basis for a viable religion .
26 Well I I 'm in difficulty to help you chose which which would be the more appropriate .
27 Eppelmann and a member of the commission overseeing the dissolution of the Stasi had proposed implementing such a procedure on March 21 , but two days later the state prosecutor , supported by both de Maizière and the PDS-led caretaker government [ for formation of which see p. 37260 ] , maintained that such a step would be unconstitutional and that the new Volkskammer had to decide itself what should be done .
28 It tells us what may be done , but not when or how .
29 If the Minister admits that monumental errors were made that allowed those profits to accrue to companies that were almost given the assets of the National Bus Company , he must tell us what will be inserted in the legislation to prevent those errors from being made again .
30 Up to 30 farms are being sought initially before scientists choose one which can be subjected to a systematic research programme in which partridges will be fitted with electronic tracking devices .
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