Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [to-vb] with the " in BNC.

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1 if there 's nothing you want recording what do you want me to do with the dinner ?
2 ‘ You sure you do n't want me to check with the restaurant again before I go , señora ? ’
3 They all have structural similarities to the nucleotide building blocks of DNA ( or RNA ) , allowing them to interfere with the replication of viral genetic material .
4 The attack on Malpas 's house certainly seems to have alarmed them and led them to co-operate with the authorities against the rebels ( 22 , p.161 ) .
5 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
6 But irrespective of how they construe the common sense which is the policeman or woman 's working knowledge , seniors are agreed that new recruits need experience of life to enable them to deal with the range of situations and people they encounter in their work .
7 We have provided an access fund to the institutions to enable them to deal with the few cases of hardship that genuinely occur .
8 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
9 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
10 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
11 They want our tied estate and ‘ English heritage ’ beers to enable them to compete with the five major national tied estate brewers .
12 However , recently they can be issued for maturities for as little as 7 days to enable them to compete with the sterling commercial paper market .
13 To provide advice and guidance to businesses to enable them to comply with the requirements of the legislation enforced .
14 So next time you see a decaying barn or cottage , stop the car , take a snap or two , and send them to SAVE with the name and address of the property .
15 ‘ We want them to grow with the company . ’
16 Unless you want me to help with the washing-up ? ’
17 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
18 The Working Party helped me to express my lesbianism in a positive way in that I could come out , and it helped me to deal with the suspicion and fears of colleagues Black and white , gay or straight , male or female .
19 It is a shame , however , that they want nothing to do with the RUC .
20 I suppose all this henthusiasm has nothing to do with the fact that he 's a very handsome young man , has it ? ’
21 The agent takes 15 per cent of the band 's earnings which has nothing to do with the band 's costs .
22 The difference has nothing to do with the presence or absence of powerchords .
23 Yet I think there is a difference between the control of living systems and the stability of physical ones , which has nothing to do with the presence or absence of a controlling intelligence .
24 The Social Charter , for instance , has nothing to do with the single market .
25 Yet on any interpretation , the ‘ peoples of Europe ’ can never be restricted to the peoples of the European Community , and therefore the ‘ ever closer union ’ has nothing to do with the EC itself .
26 The second part of the mind is the parent — this has nothing to do with the child 's actual parents rather , it is to do with all the rules and prejudices that a child absorbs from its parents .
27 Parents may jump to the conclusion that the fact of being adopted is the root of the trouble when that has nothing to do with the case .
28 Unfortunately , a doctor or psychologist may sometimes reinforce parents ' concern by remarking , ‘ Well , of course , he 's adopted , ’ when this has nothing to do with the matter in question .
29 Perhaps chemical-sensitive patients are affected by pine resins — which contain a lot of natural toxins to protect the tree — but it has nothing to do with the origins of coal and oil .
30 This has nothing to do with the chemicals all being derived from oil and coal ( see p 166 ) as is often suggested .
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