Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Community relations and neighbourhood policing reverses the process of depersonalization , and with regard to the police this encourages them to develop a more subtle set of typifications which categorize the majority of residents in West Belfast as decent , honest , and , at root , friendly .
2 In February 1990 , she was captured and fitted with a radio transmitter ( renewed in September this year ) , and since then she has provided researchers with more than 200 sightings , allowing them to plot an unusually detailed account of her daily movements .
3 Trust me to pick the most expensive . ’
4 All we lack now is the mechanism to turn these highly decorative cadavers into walkie , if not talkie , zombies , to enable them to give a truly remarkable mannequin parade and show off their mortuary gowns in white polyester and cotton , trimmed with lace and ruffles for ladies and satin quilting for the gents !
5 ( 4 ) Shareholders must be given sufficient information and advice to enable them to reach a properly informed decision and in sufficient time to do so .
6 This was particularly noticeable in relation to the development and use of pupil self-assessment procedures in some of the art departments visited , as a method for encouraging children to have a clearer understanding of what they are attempting to do , to enable them to have a more informed approach to criticism , but also as a very beneficial diagnostic tool for teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching programmes .
7 And the more I considered it , the more obvious it became that Miss Kenton , with her great affection for this house , with her exemplary professionalism — the sort almost impossible to find nowadays — was just the factor needed to enable me to complete a fully satisfactory staff plan for Darlington Hall .
8 He asked them to adopt a more professional approach , to harden their attitude and not capitulate when things became tough , as they had sometimes been prone to .
9 No I just did it for a laugh cos I want , I want everyone to know the most interesting language in the world which is part of my language is n't it ?
10 ‘ There is obviously more to Froggy 's murder than meets the eye and , despite the bullying phone call , my editor , God bless him , wants me to do a little more digging .
11 Slavery and white racism , Cutler argues , guaranteed the survival of a folk mode in the midst of capitalist society — at the same time as subjecting black people , as victims of this society , to an experience enabling them to represent a more general alienation characteristic of life under industrial capitalism .
12 In addition , an increasing number of countryside properties now offer the use of battery-operated cars for less able visitors , enabling them to get the most out of their visit .
13 There is a slight difference , in that these two bodies have their own collections , enabling them to balance the already established with the experimental ; accepted values with more hermetic themes ; the modern with the contemporary .
14 In part 2 the author has given you the option of turning off those infuriating flashing lasers and electric grills , which I found helped me to think a little easier but , alas , did n't help me in solving the problem .
15 We urge you to ensure the most stringent environmental assessment procedures are followed before any irreversible damage is done .
16 Japlac complies with BS 5665 Part 3 1989 and the European Toy Safety Standard EN71 Part 3 1988 , enabling you to give an exceptionally glossy finish to toys , nursery furniture , climbing frames , and indeed any surface where the safety of a child is of tantamount importance .
17 Substitute vehicles available enabling you to maintain a consistently high standard of delivery service to your customers .
18 We want you to get the very best out of your stay abroad , and a quick read through this section will help to smooth the way …
19 I want you to know a little more about your mother , come to terms with her . ’
20 The young composer at odds with his family , who want him to follow a less daring course .
21 Cypher is the author of the Ergo applications for the distribution industry , and Platinum says its products are a good fit with the SeQuel to Platinum integrated financial and management software , enabling it to offer a fully integrated system almost immediately .
22 I want us to get a thoroughly good vote in this Euro constituency , by maximizing our effectiveness .
23 It seems that the author has deliberately left things vague by choosing the intransitive verb construction : that she wants us to have the delicately ironic impression of a deferential , high-class shop in which doors , as it were , open and shut almost of their own accord .
24 Alan added : ‘ While our senior managers have combined experience of over 100 years they are aged 40 and under , thus enabling us to offer the most up-to-date knowledge of shipping and air freight requirements .
25 Despite all these obvious advantages , which lured us to follow the extremely expensive development of the project , the product had only one snag .
26 Thirdly , the invocation of the fiduciary duty concept does not , of itself , provide the courts with the answer , but rather forces them to answer an extremely difficult question .
27 A full explanation of the facts allows them to make a fully informed decision about their surgery ; this might reduce the number of cases of litigation arising from misunderstandings about the purpose and nature of any planned treatment .
28 Perry directs me down to Euston Road and forgets to mention the turnoff , causing me to make a rather dangerous and illegal U-turn at King 's Cross .
29 They will do nothing to halt the almost nightly attacks on immigrants ' hostels , they said .
30 This allows you to make a more considered approach than a telephone call and to use the job matching list you have drawn up to bring to the employer 's attention the reasons why you are suitable for the job and why you should be seen for interview .
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