Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb mod] [be] done " in BNC.

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1 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
2 Generally this means explaining what must be done : ‘ You can have the video back on when you have picked up your toys ’ .
3 In January it was decided to go on talking but let a ’ monitoring group ’ suggest what should be done with the results .
4 A man like Muhammad Ali not only symbolizes what can be done with talent and ability but shows that the ‘ man ’ and his system can be beat ( Glasgow , 1980 , p.78 ) .
5 We need to investigate whether such moral perceptions are accurate , if only to know what should be done about them .
6 More positive thinking survived in one or two parts of the monolithic building in Queen Anne 's Gate , but the overall impression gained by outside observers was of a dispirited department in which no-one really seemed to know what could be done about crime in general and the prisons in particular .
7 In 1834 Little went to study with Johannes Müller at the University of Berlin in order to discover what could be done to correct his deformity , which English surgeons refused to treat , leaving it to the bone-setters .
8 And so they had sent him North , not to win , of course , perhaps not even to poll a single vote , but to lay the Charter once again before the people , to let them know what could be done in a land where every man had his vote and the freedom to use it without intimidation , as he and he alone thought best .
9 Since settlement is a contractual matter , one wonders what can be done to achieve equality of bargaining power in the settlement process .
10 Thus we should only praise conduct which needs to be stimulated in this way , even though other ( perhaps more selfish ) conduct which will be done anyway is itself good or better .
11 He says something must be done .
12 HOOBERMAN is appalled by such an attitude and says something must be done to stop the ‘ sanitisation ’ of literature .
13 You keep pretending something can be done .
14 ‘ I hope something will be done now your programme has highlighted the fact that we do n't have to conform . ’
15 If ’ — he remembered the architect — ‘ Livings here says it may be done . ’
16 But we really do n't feel it should be done as openly as this within a community of young families and children .
17 Should we be thrusting more work down to districts and th , and they 'll to do the job rather than always assume it should be done at this level ?
18 Significantly ( in view of the stronger actions of the subsequent Conservative government ) public authorities were asked ‘ to furnish schedules of void sites within the partnership authorities with a view to establishing what could be done to accelerate the development or redevelopment of non-operational sites ’ .
19 They were told to wait in the hall for the time being , until it was decided what should be done with them .
20 But neither Paul Johnson nor the party says what should be done about it .
21 Imagine what might be done with the collected works of Alexander Hamilton when the Founding Fathers project eventually provides them on CD-ROM sometime in the not too distant future .
22 The City Technology Colleges show what can be done .
23 This is a key area where professional accountants have already begun to experiment — the 1991 environmental accounts of the Dutch company BSO/Origin , for instance , are reproduced and show what can be done with a bit of imagination and lateral thinking .
24 ‘ We must do what can be done , ’ said Radulfus heavily , ‘ to recover what has been lost .
25 Well , we must do what can be done .
26 Do n't think I 'm advising you to try it … but it does show what can be done .
27 I wanted to hate him for doing this to me , so much earlier than I had thought it would be done , but it was difficult to hate a man I had such respect for .
28 That was the goal for 1989 but , despite our best endeavours , the contractor work force did n't believe it could be done .
29 Mr Deputy Speaker it shows it can be done and I hope others will look after the interests of their tax payers as well .
30 BP , ICL , IBM , Volvo , British Gas in Wales , British Telecom in the South-west , and a clutch of local authorities , many of which had led the way , had all shown it could be done , with Ford announcing its partial ban recently .
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