Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 He is not just the Pope of the Roman Catholics but a symbol of human beings striving to create institutions and practices which bring them closer to the ways of God .
2 Yes , that was some time ago when I was working as a hostess with the British Council and used to collect meet VIPs at the station and bring them here to the university .
3 ‘ He says bring them straight to the first tee .
4 Next he led the spinnaker sheets aft to the cockpit and made them fast to the stern cleats with plenty of slack .
5 The porter took care of their horses and Lady Amelia , walking like a ghost before them , led them across to the guest house .
6 She pinned them bravely to the shoulder of her dress , touched the blooms lightly with her fingers and said to the room at large ,
7 Soil pipes from downstairs WCs may be connected to the main soil stack of a single-stack system , but it is often better to connect them directly to the underground drains .
8 Some involved navigation got me across to the door and into the other room .
9 In the hit movie Withnall and I , the two visit Riggindale and it drives them almost to the brink of distraction .
10 See lot lot of these jobs are done by the tide , say you take a ship now what 's been sunk in the river , at low tide they 'll put the wires underneath , make them fast to the ships and when the tide when the t t tide rise out come the ship , and they can take it where they want to .
11 FastPort allows you to move printers to convenient locations and connect them directly to the network .
12 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
13 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
14 The zoo-man at the turnstile 'd come rushing out and Vern 'd get scared and drag me away to the place where he 'd hidden my …
15 It seemed as if Lydia would take them like a new baby and display them triumphantly to the assembled company .
16 They know that we send them straight to the cells at An Dap now , no matter how badly they injure themselves .
17 The first one came after 27 minutes , when Neil Matthews beat everyone else to the ball .
18 If their shells are near the Julies , then it might be politic to shuffle them gradually to the other end .
19 His master closed his book and invited me politely to the table .
20 The remainder , very carelessly and messily written , was supplied by an unidentified copyist , who contributed nothing else to the score ; and it lacks trumpet parts , though he left staves for them .
21 We will confine ourselves here to the state-owned case , leaving regulation to chapter 5 .
22 We shall confine ourselves here to the statutory requirements which must be observed .
23 ‘ As the intention of the Society is to form Veterinary Physicians and Surgeons intended to be dispersed throughout the Kingdom to exercise usefully their art , the Professor will teach the residing pupils only the most important difference between the two medicines — that of the human body , and that of Cattle — he will confine himself strictly to the teaching of the Veterinary Science . ’
24 Notice that Paul does not tie himself legalistically to the details of Jesus 's words .
25 Convinced that there were practical solutions to the social evils of his day , he devoted himself particularly to the temperance movement .
26 This surrender was legitimized only if the monarch devoted himself unsparingly to the good of the state and his subjects .
27 Where there is a Compact they will direct you immediately to the appropriate contact .
28 In accepting Murav'ev 's proposals the regime made plain that , although it had just committed itself firmly to the emancipation of the serfs ( in the Nazimov Rescript ) , it was not yet prepared to adopt the principle of decentralization or to move towards provincial self-government .
29 I regard the existence of flourishing humanities research as an index to the civilisation of our society ; Labour , however , has committed itself prematurely to the establishment of a humanities research council .
30 Morley Street is one of 11 entries for the Kingwell Hurdle at Wincanton on Thursday , but Balding is likely to avoid taking on Champion Hurdle favourite , Muse , there and send him straight to the Festival .
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