Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From a subjective viewpoint , these differences do not seem to depend on linguistically-represented concepts , and moreover are of such a general character that it is implausible to ascribe them uniquely to human perceivers .
2 Taylor ( 1982 ; 1989 ) has recently recast his views on soccer hooliganism , bringing them closer to other approaches described in this section .
3 Turning now to the views of professional employees on taxation , we confine ourselves again to British studies .
4 They then ferry them away to different waters in tanks in the back of transit vans .
5 In this section we shall confine ourselves mainly to inorganic nomenclature and leave a more systematic treatment of organic nomenclature until chapter 17 .
6 But whereas Roosevelt and Churchill hoped that ‘ friendly ’ policies could be guaranteed through liberal-democratic regimes , Stalin , with bitter memories of Western policy in eastern Europe between the wars , was willing to trust himself only to Communist-led governments .
7 Clare helped herself liberally to holy water at the entrance , but it was warm on her forehead .
8 This is Whitlow driving it long to Speedy .
9 Instead of becoming frustrated with the futility in solving the problem , the celebration of success combined with the reflection on limitations nourishes people to choose the next action that may bring them closer to real community change .
10 This involves ‘ redrawing the boundaries of semantics/pragmatics ’ , in other words recognising that meaning can not be understood by addressing ourselves only to formal , syntactic processes : ‘ pragmatics ’ , the study of why and how utterances are used , has to be included within the study of what the utterances mean , and how their semantic load is constructed and regularised .
11 With only small amounts of money changing hands , a limited number of dedicated venues , and , if it were to restrict itself solely to black audiences , a finite number of punters , the black comedy scene is clearly still in its infancy .
12 From basic utilitarian objects such as the core-formed vessels of ancient Egypt , with their bold feathered decorations , to the elaborate ‘ fantasy ’ pieces of Venice , the amorphous nature of glass has lent itself admirably to individualistic expression .
13 Accordingly the process of curriculum development involved a team of ‘ experts ’ at the ‘ centre ’ providing the knowledge base for an innovation , then producing an appropriate content and strategy , and finally communicating it effectively to potential users at the periphery .
14 Making making it , all I know sort of saving it , saving it perhaps to American news .
15 It would also , one presumes , sell the information to the American government which would then give it away to other countries in order to meet America 's international obligations .
16 This sociability and cooperation lent itself ideally to communal hunting techniques because , as I have shown elsewhere , hunting success , even among well-adapted hunting animals — which , of course , our hominid ancestors most decidedly were not — is generally proportional to the number of hunters involved .
17 But , whatever their knowledge , of far greater importance in official thinking was the strategic value of a power source which lent itself naturally to centralized control , which was operated by a well paid , reliable work-force and which would continue to keep the miners at bay .
18 And by limiting ourselves specifically to stylistic alternatives , we can pinpoint the inferences from the text which are the basis of literary appreciation .
19 But these hot summer nights lend themselves better to cold lager and I felt more at ease with the Schonbrau Original Premium Pilsener lager , very dry and good value at £3.99 for four cans .
20 But these hot summer nights lend themselves better to cold lager and I felt more at ease with the Original Premium Pilsener lager , very dry and good value at £3.99 for four cans .
21 One of the reasons for working particularly with correlations is that those of low order lend themselves satisfactorily to physical interpretation , in ways to be discussed in Section 19.4 .
22 That explains why any attempt to place Minimalist sculptures in the landscape or in urban sites reduces them invariably to homeless objects .
23 But the writers who use world-system theories in empirical studies of particular countries ' economic history include features that draw it closer to regulationist theory : for example , the uncertainty , problems and changes associated with conflicts over international hegemony are often studied .
24 It saves you having a holdall , organise it more to heavy if we put that in there , right , what about , will they fit in the bag ?
25 ( It is also possible to confine oneself specifically to Modern Scottish Gaelic in the two-year combination of Celtic 1A and Celtic 2A . )
26 It was time to disband all three and convert them instead to small killing-groups , easy for the Normans to recognise .
27 In the wild , it confines itself mainly to unaimed throwing and the brandishing of sticks .
28 It would indeed take something close to theological commitment to think otherwise .
29 Short of this , he wants the Soviet Union tied more closely into the western economy , even as the ending of the cold war tied it closer to western diplomacy .
30 Some earlier teams collecting wild cocoa had lost 50 per cent or more of their material by attempting to send it directly to distant breeding centres ; our intention was to bring the collections back to a local base for propagation and planting .
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