Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I will not be for the lessening of it , and if I do I know I less my crown , for we must march together " .
2 ‘ Sister , remember how many thousands of talents of sins your Master hath forgiven you : forgive ye therefore your fellow-servants one talent ; …
3 Students who do n't know who half their lecturers are at the best of times ca n't be in a position to decide on their pay packets .
4 When the police found him later his head was almost severed from his neck , lolled through the fractured opening in a macabre way , the dead cigarette still tucked in the corner of the dead man 's mouth .
5 Be propitious while I speak — hast thou not made me here thy substitute ? ’
6 ‘ We have our sources , ’ Zak said loftily , and told me afterwards his source was the Daily Racing Form , busily read recently for background help with his story .
7 ‘ I told you then your chances were good .
8 Er now it claims , of course that this is a more efficient purchasing mechanism on behalf of the patients and the community of this area the problem is , of course , it depends what you mean by efficiency and the truth is , that we may get increased our purchasing in terms of frugal as they put it delicately our patients !
9 In Sunday 's San Marino Grand Prix , Mansell can achieve what even his heroes Stirling Moss and the legendary Fangio failed to do .
10 Charles had not entirely abandoned the efforts of his father and grandfather to protect the pauperes : at the same time , he had done what neither his father nor grandfather had attempted , in imposing public exactions in cash on the economy at large .
11 At Christie 's , the erstwhile in-house expert , now consultant , Hugo Morley-Fletcher was extremely active ; given his dominant influence on the turnover of goods , some in the trade are beginning to wonder what exactly his role is : auctioneer or dealer ?
12 His thumbs explored her ears as his fingertips soothed the back of her neck and as Jenna moulded herself closer his hands moved to her body , tracing her spine and then sliding down to her hips to hold her against him .
13 I found myself wondering what exactly my dad had been .
14 For me to produce that 'll cost me basically my time and my my you know I , say my laser copies ' paid for by my business erm
15 ‘ I 'll have to ask Granny For&am to let me clean my shoes again when I get to her cottage , ’ she told herself , as she picked her way between the puddles and muddy ruts of the lane .
16 So only Neil Webb left if you discount the goalkeeper and I remember the last time we did that Forest live game up at Bolton Forest had to use their both their substitutes in that game as well quite early on .
17 The man became calmer , sank to his knees and allowed the executioner to bend him so his neck fitted over the block .
18 really great it was , you know I did n't really think it would turn out as big as it has done you know , but it 's turned out beautiful has n't it really , yeah we was , I was thrilled especially when they built the new houses round the front we used to go and keep looking at them , little did I think I would get one , and the housing officer came one day and he said would you like one of the new ones , I said I would and it was four bedroom but we got , you see we 've got the other bedroom over my daughter-in-law 's , so me and hubby used to have the en right down a long passage and the bedroom was over like the sit you 've got a bedroom over the sitting room like see and she erm , we used to have so the children did n't make a noise to disturb her so my hubby and I had that room , yeah , it was quite nice it was , nice house , I erm , you know , enjoyed being there , bringing up the family , you want plenty of room you 've got a big family do n't you really ?
19 We hear it now my Lord Mayor
20 But as Joe did n't have one anyway his employment counsellor thought Winston was n't a bad bet .
21 Kipling wrote : ‘ We 've only one virginity to lose And where we lost it there our hearts will be . ’
22 Perhaps Tock had been too hard on them and if he treated them gently their disobedience would stop .
23 The ‘ state ’ thus becomes literally a bone of contention between opposed interests , both of whom want control over it in order to decide what precisely its role shall be and in whose interest the market shall be managed .
24 If he was n't there then I would say that you you 'd be on a sticky wicket , because most terms of employment say that if you er have a driving licence and you lose it then your employment will automatically finish .
25 And er I always remember the lawyer who was acting on behalf of the union er said to these blacklegs , How would it be possible for you to see it though your window who was throwing the bricks seeing that the windows are so black and filthy you ca n't see the curtains that 's hanging up from the outside ?
26 Art has served his country town well this country town well , he lived he all his life all in a small cottage down by the river .
27 I 'd heard tales about some people having seen an old man down there but not for a long while , he would n't hurt anyone so your lad need n't be scared of him . ’
28 ‘ Why ca n't you just let me live my life how I want to ? ’
29 Er , I should also re , remind you so my brief informs me , of the no smoking rule , which was adopted at last year 's er , A G M , and which means there 's no smoking er , in this room at any rate , and certainly not during the meeting .
30 She had haunted herself all her life .
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