Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , you wo n't want to input them every time you run the program either .
2 ‘ Oh , by the way , Blair , ’ I called , ‘ whilst you are there , would you mind bringing me the fish I caught in the stream ?
3 He strode to her , eyes blazing , and shouted , ‘ Why did you specifically come to see me the minute you found out I had my own investment bank ? ’
4 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
5 I came here today to have a look but I did n't think it would affect me the way it has .
6 So although I did n't like him touching me the way he had , I decided not to tell anybody .
7 You asked me a question I gave an answer .
8 Hell , I had a bumper sticker saying ‘ Have You Hugged Your Kids Today ? ’ and , sure , I hugged them every day I could , but nowadays I sometimes wonder just what in hell is going on inside their heads .
9 and erm I 'll be , we knit jumpers as well there , cardigans and as pick them a cardigan I bought from Blacks in Newcastle
10 They made me an offer I could n't refuse . ’
11 ‘ It 's not on at all for a brother-in-law to treat me the way you treat me .
12 ‘ I feel as if you 've given me a gift I 'm completely unworthy of .
13 ‘ And you 've given me the impression you wanted to see me , too . ’
14 Miss Muffet Make me An Offer I Ca n't Refuse
15 You certainly did n't seem to like me the way I was ! ’
16 Herbert passed me a note he had been writing .
17 ‘ They send me the ones I need .
18 and it 's on minimum premiums , you 've got a little bit of a discount there , but again , bearing in mind nine pound sixty might not buy them the cover they want .
19 and ran to meet me every time I sang
20 That 's alright , I 'll let you drive me all the way round once so , he owes me a quid you see .
21 Hoey claims the SAS watch on the royals is so rigorous that Di must alert them every time she wants to move a piece of furniture or a even a painting at Highgrove or Kensington Palace .
22 Courier had never beaten the German in five previous meetings , never looked like doing so yesterday and said : ‘ He just beats me every time we play .
23 Afterwards she fixed me a potion she promised would tone up my whole system .
24 This way she could simply wash it each morning and let it dry naturally — start trying for styles and valuable minutes had to be wasted keeping them the way they were meant to be .
25 Touch me the way you touch Ryan . ’
26 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
27 ‘ It might buy you the time you need .
28 ‘ I do n't know who the fuck you are , or this Zam … whatever person is !
29 I do n't know who the fuck you cast and I do n't care , but him and I have this fight , right ? "
30 I turned it on while you were there then and I did n't know who the hell it was !
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