Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I must explain my ruse for prising so much stuff — good stuff — out of the islanders . ’
2 I 'm quite amenable to people coming over and using my phone for making business-related phone calls .
3 I divorced my wife for smoking in the toilet !
4 ‘ I 'm afraid what he has to say will cause considerable distress , ’ she said , after explaining her reason for telephoning .
5 These rules express the interactional dispositions of the individuals concerned which constrain their potential for acquiring novel behaviour randomly through learning .
6 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
7 For , on the one hand , they dispensed valuable resources : opportunities for lamb-barrel politics were an incentive to people to participate in popular democracy , to stand for election to a committee , even if they doubted its suitability for managing a complex hierarchical organization .
8 It is too much work : or , more precisely , too much time spent by too many people on work of a kind which contributes insufficiently to their fulfilment and which may tend to diminish their capacity for fulfilling themselves , too much soul-destroying toil or boredom .
9 The SFO has earned its reputation for bringing cases to trial with glacial slowness .
10 She also attended a kindergarten school where she first demonstrated her talent for modelling with clay .
11 They killed them and then used their blood for baking the Passover bread .
12 The most deleterious situations were those where general managers abdicated their responsibility for setting strategic direction to staff planners … .
13 He first demonstrated his taste for going back to first principles as a student at Brown University in the late 1960s .
14 Like other intellectuals of his time , such as Isaac Newton , he retained his enthusiasm for investigating curious phenomena .
15 In this poem he thanks his benefactor for obtaining his release after ‘ Well nigh sev'n years ’ of captivity :
16 The staff at school loathed him , but found his genius for getting into locked cars undeniably useful whenever they lost their car keys , which seemed to happen quite frequently .
17 Before I show it to you , however , I want to know your reason for wanting to see it . ’
18 As you do so , try to build up a system of classification , explaining your basis for making distinctions .
19 It is these that provide our basis for living , life scripts upon which we base our responses to all new situations and circumstances .
20 If you are not feeling well , conserve your energy for getting better .
21 She now remembered how she had criticized her mother for bringing babies into the world without being able to look after them .
22 Maud salvaged him as usual by noticing nothing , and he mistakenly respected her instinct for dealing with his doldrums .
23 Would she think it fair for someone to lose their job for pinching her posterior on the Indie escalator ?
24 Flora had never forgiven her husband for dying ten years before , leaving her badly off .
25 Peggy Ashcroft duly got her gong for playing Lilian , 50 years in the bin , but She 's Been Away was considerably more than a kind of Rain Woman ; a vehicle for acting technique .
26 The unreliability of the written sources and the more obvious difficulty of actually relating the majority of historical events to archaeological data , make their use for dating early Anglo-Saxon archaeology very limited .
27 Given that these indicators already exist for Local Authorities , it is surely indefensible to fail to explore their potential for improving the equity of resource allocation , and perhaps surprising that they have not yet been incorporated in the formulae for assessing GRE .
28 Where do they send their aluminium for making into wire and sheets of metal ?
29 The two sides also issued a joint statement expressing their support for making Antarctica an international nature reserve , as first proposed by the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau .
30 Yolland recommended that the Board of Trade authorise the BCR to open its line for running between Stretford Bridge and Bishop 's Castle only , and the Board presumably did so .
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