Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [Wh adv] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 When they asked me why I did n't have a British passport that 's when the immigration problems started .
2 This woman , an assistant governor , I think , asked me why I did it .
3 I got there and they asked me why I did n't get there sooner .
4 I went to the hospital and they asked me how I done it .
5 ’ My husband asked them why they did n't take a statement from me four years ago .
6 ‘ Where did n't you hide it , ’ said mum , ‘ you show me where you did n't hide it . ’
7 If he said to me , after I 'd shown him , that he understood it , I would say alright , show me how you do it .
8 Show me how you do it .
9 Just just show me how you did that one .
10 Just show me how you did that one .
11 Come and show us how you do it I 'll give you a red pen Do you remember that earlier we said participation
12 Just tie them how I did it Emma .
13 Will you , Mr. Speaker , tell the House whether you have been approached on the subject , and , if so , have the Opposition told you why they do not want a statement on it ?
14 Erm and we never knew how she did it , she never had told anybody how she did it , it died with her I 'm afraid .
15 I 've told him how you did it , and how still and brave you were . ’
16 Tell me how I did it . ’
17 How about me having half an hour with you my friend , and tell me how you do it .
18 Tell us where you do live , then . ’
19 ‘ And tell us how you did it ? ’
20 And 40 years ago you — or rather your semi-erect ancestors — were asking us why we did n't just change our name to New Accordion Express .
21 People who asked her why she did n't make use of her talent and give singing lessons had perhaps not tried to do this while living in two rooms over a greengrocers , and looking after young children .
22 I was a fool ; I ought to have let it go at that , but I asked him why he did n't approve — and had a regular tirade !
23 ‘ I once asked him why he did it and he just said he and Parul were sexually incompatible .
24 I asked him why he did once and he said it was a more beautiful name .
25 But when she made a last appeal , and told him , though feeling it was not quite true , that Martha had asked him to bring her father back , and then , very unwisely , referred again to Mrs Hodge , and the house , and the single bed , and even the temple bells , and asked him why he did n't come to his senses and whether he did n't think he 'd be happier living with a woman , whether she was on a boat or not , he turned on her , upsetting the bowl of water in front of the gas fire , and shouted :
26 They asked him how he did it , and he replied , ‘ I just put away the bits of wood that do n't look like elephants ’ .
27 people ask me why I do music .
28 Yeah , so ask me how we did it , I really do n't know .
29 So erm if you ask them why they do n't do a certain thing you get a very very elaborate argument about it , which is often very difficult to er to er criticize or , or , or attack .
30 Make it clear that you have taken in details by phrasing questions along the lines of , ‘ I 've looked at your educational record which seems excellent but could you perhaps tell me why you did not pass maths until two years after your other 0 levels/changed schools halfway through A levels/took a year off while doing your degree ? ’
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