Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] for [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All the more disappointing therefore to learn later that some Seniors members who had blackballed me for Muirfield had now put in an objection to my joining this club too .
2 He asked me for £100,000 to help him pay legal fees .
3 I 'll tell you this … three times before he went , Michael asked me for time to go up to London and said he was having problems with his visa .
4 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
5 However , the investor who had the luck or foresight to predict the fall could have bought November puts with an exercise price of 260p for 10p and sold them for 25p making a gross profit of 150 per cent .
6 So I got them for Rob Chewchocks Chewchocks So you did n't get any of these did you ?
7 Colour Candles from Waddingtons has everything for candle making : wax , dye , wick and moulds .
8 BANKRUPT former publican Maurice Siddle was contemplating suicide hours before police stopped him for drink driving on Christmas Day , a court heard .
9 Has he for instance consulted them with their rights under the Tenants Charter ?
10 They only want it for games do they ?
11 Well if there 's stuff that 's you know , you do n't want and it 's all right for jumble , I mean if you want it for jumble take it , but if not we 'll have it for jumble , I mean you know it 's erm
12 Yeah , so he said well charge me for wheel balancing then or something no he said , we ca n't do that .
13 // I have n't seen you for ages //
14 seen you for ages have I ?
15 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
16 I have n't seen her for months have I .
17 For years , marble was refused to people wanting it for tombs to provide a supply for the Moloch in Bucharest .
18 Williams Hill report a ‘ rush of bets ’ at odds of 811 for Lewis to become undisputed champion next year , but have received none for Bruno to do likewise .
19 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
20 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
21 A few centres might use them for lake paddling , it was thought , but the serious river paddler would never buy them .
22 I have n't had none for weeks have I Bet ? chocolate at all .
23 Because of the case , of going to court to claim compensation for James , we had to have neuroligists to come and look at James and assess him for thes claim and they have said that James is not in a persistent vegetative state . ’
24 We have n't had it for ages have we ?
25 Using the yeast model , they have demonstrated different effects with different degrees of succussion and have also shown that the rest period between finishing the succussion of one potency and sampling it for dilution to prepare the next potency is important .
26 I screwed the note into a ball and threw it for Springsteen to play with .
27 She could use it for spills to light her fags . ’
28 So you ca n't use it for eaves dropping .
29 So if A sells goods to B who then decides to leave them for A to repair , A is a person who ‘ having sold goods continues or is in possession of the goods , ’ Pacific Motor Auctions v. Motor Credits ( 1965 P.C. ) .
30 You get one for tick tack
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