Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] in the [det] " in BNC.

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1 I can not believe my luck that nobody else had the sense to carry you off but that you should still be there for me and that — ’ Well , that could be taken two ways , on second thoughts that might not be the thing to say , no ; ‘ my luck that you should want me in the same way that I want you .
2 This involves them in the same difficulties as those faced , or evaded , by psychologists .
3 Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description .
4 Although the list includes characters who could never have met in reality you can include them in the same army if you wish to do so .
5 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
6 We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle .
7 The Socialist League began to find itself in the same critical relationship with the Labour Party which had forced its predecessor , the ILP , to disaffiliate .
8 Johannsen also claimed one in the latter area at 1150 .
9 Unsettled at having come halfway around the world to find herself in the same town at the same time as Vitor d'Arcos , she had skipped over any articles which mentioned him , but , on turning a page , had found an article which she could not ignore .
10 But Garvey , 40 , has brought a private prosecution against Carr , 33 , alleging Carr assaulted him in the same incident in Middlesbrough Town Hall in October .
11 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
12 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
13 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
14 The Nord-Pas-de-Calais strategy is clearly designed to pull it in the former camp and has a number of existing advantages to draw upon including a good geographical position and relatively low land prices , wages and corporate taxation rates .
15 Not everyone subjected to a particular odour will however describe it in the same manner .
16 If you or I were to mix mud and water and place it in the same position it would fall off .
17 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
18 i found myself in the same place where I 'd been wounded in Easter , 1917 .
19 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
20 Vasquez argues that the work carried out by Behaviouralists was based on three central assumptions of Realism , which together put them in the same broad camp .
21 Cover the tubes with muslin , held in place by two rubber bands , and put them in the same warm place as the stocks .
22 They put me in the same category as Martinho .
23 ‘ You will not be coming back , ’ he assured her in the same arrogant tone .
24 ‘ I heard that , ’ she told him in the same language .
25 I 'm just trying to remember everybody in the same afternoon , to collect them all because of about six of them are being done around here
26 ‘ Oh , that 's the Eiffel Tower , ’ and he says it in the same tone of voice as if you had shown him a portrait of Grandpa , and he had said : ‘ So that 's your grandfather I 've heard so much about .
27 Look at it and then erm measured it I did I d and then I redid this one and put it in the same scale ,
28 The second paragraph , with its mention of alphabet , answers the question in the former sense , whereas the fifth paragraph , with its liturgical reference to " the quick and the dead " , answers it in the latter .
29 Another example , I wo n't give it in the same detail .
30 As Linda Nochlin said , ‘ Not all women artists are feminists ; not all feminist artists wish to incorporate their feminist identity into their art works , and certainly , even if some of them do , none of them will do it in the same way ’ .
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