Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] be one of " in BNC.

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1 Their baby Charlie was born in 1989 and has himself been one of the show 's stars .
2 Mind , it was the surprise of me life to 'ear you 'd teamed up with a fly female pickpocket , I did n't know you was one of the lads . ’
3 She went inside , and was relieved to discover she was one of the first customers .
4 You do know he 's one of the special police force responsible for the security of our royal family ? ’
5 Well you took all this sort of things in your stride but the next day we heard about these houses being knocked down , you see , and I think that 's the nearest I 've been to be killed but one day , one Saturday and that was in a daylight raid , one Saturday afternoon because , you see , I was off every afternoon but I worked till ten every night , you see , and er so erm but of course Hugh worked during the day and he was off in the evening , that 's why he used to come down to see , to see us and er he used to come in er you see and leave his lodgings and , oh be about nine o'clock and he spent the last day up there perhaps with his friends , have a chat , and er , you see , and but er and I was walking along it was called and suddenly a plane came over and I thought oh I expect it 's one of ours .
6 Sister said , ‘ I expect it was one of our students at present working here as a dresser .
7 I expect it was one of these walks you know , and Ian found a stick and then he thought Tim would like one .
8 As I say it 's one of these er competitive market things , but if you go into an electrical shop and you buy a piece of electrical equipment , or if you want er a plug for it , a piece of electrical equipment because you found out that the plug on the electrical equipment at home is defective , it 's got cracked porcelain or something like , then please have a word with the person who is selling you the plug and say look , this plug is gon na be fitted on X appliance .
9 the police say it 's one of the most sickening cases they 've ever had to deal with …
10 The paintings , porcelain and furniture had been taken in burglaries across the region.Officers say it 's one of the biggest hauls ever recovered .
11 Experts say it 's one of the worst allergy cases they 've seen .
12 And as you say it 's one of the best things that they want .
13 The police say it was one of the worst attacks that they 've seen on a horse .
14 But when he went to pick it up he was horrified to discover it was one of Isaac 's geese .
15 he 's a traditionalist … and wants what is one of Britain 's greatest stately homes to go to someone who will look after it .
16 To destroy them is one of the war aims , and that means that the fabric , the infrastructure , of your cities is being gutted .
17 Let me be one of your warriors .
18 The derogatory phrase ‘ he 's not a real polis ; he 'll never be a polis as long as he 's got a hole in his arse ’ quickly set out markers to define who was one of us and who was not .
19 I assumed she was one of Bella 's lot .
20 For a moment he thought there was a double meaning in her words , but he dismissed the thought when he recognised it was one of her usual openings to draw him into conversation .
21 He says he 's one of the front bench 's two main performers .
22 She says it 's one of the most important collections of the century .
23 The RSPCA says it 's one of the worst cases of it 's kind .
24 He says it 's one of the worst cases he 's seen .
25 He says it was one of the best sexual experiences he has ever had . ’
26 Vet , Bill Stuart says it was one of the worse cases of starvation he 'd ever seen .
27 Even Oscar Wilde called it charming — granted he was one of history 's great gossipers , but he was an even greater gossipee .
28 At least Churchill is on record that Roosevelt had been more outspoken with him on the subject of Indochina than on any other colonial matter : ‘ I imagine it is one of his principal war aims to liberate Indochina from France ’ .
29 ‘ They are out of season and very expensive , but Alain bought them in Paris this morning , although I imagine it was one of his long-suffering secretaries who was dispatched to buy them . ’
30 It does not make them feel he is one of them ; it merely makes them feel he has no longer any clout .
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