Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] be [art] few " in BNC.

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1 So you say it was a few railway men that got together and
2 It would appear there 's a few .
3 Okay Suzanne before you go for your first sail there are a few things you need to learn about basic boat controls .
4 I assumed there were a few rounds left in the magazine .
5 ‘ I 'm sure Mervyn wo n't mind us being a few minutes late , and for such a good cause , ’ said John earnestly .
6 I know there was a few different up here .
7 . And er we were truthful , we tried to put our side of the argument , you know there were the few people who said , well I do n't really care , and drove in .
8 So this statement could be him trying to play down the incident … remember there were a few incidents where cuntona was reported to have stormed off to france .
9 I was n't so sure I was going to throw up now , but that same irresponsible , destructive part of my brain-just a few neurons probably , but I suppose there are a few in every brain and it only takes a very small hooligan element to give the rest a bad name — kept thinking about those fried eggs and bacon on the cold plate , and each time I almost heaved .
10 I drew a peg in the bend which I had drawn some years before and knew there were a few fish there and decided on one rig only — the pole .
11 And I recognize there are a few people here , here who are not P Way people .
12 Sometimes they did n't stop or even bat an eyelid , and I bet there were a few people waking up with painful parts in the morning .
13 I mean it is a few years back but I can remember not long ago it was eighteen P
14 ‘ He thinks it was a few minutes after six . ’
15 ‘ I think there are a few things we ought to get straight , ’ he said coolly .
16 I think there are a few others but not many .
17 Er and she 's not I think there 's a few I 'm not sure .
18 I think there 's a few times I was gon na pack in cos I used to do the same amount of work as everyone else and I got paid
19 Oh I 'm , I 'm not sure , it 's , it 's a few hundred pounds a year and I , I , I 'm really guessing it 's a few hundred pounds a year for what they call a retaining fee , for being firemen , and then it 's a few pounds every time they attend , and a lesser amount every time for an , a greater amount every time they go out on the fire engine , but it 's nothing er nothing exceptionally high , it 's , it 's very reasonable when you think they 've got other jobs to do
20 I think it I think it 's a few months to go yet .
21 Well I think , I think it was a few of them involved , but apparently he went so you never know .
22 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
23 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
24 As I write there are a few small , unexcited newspaper reports about the progress of peace talks taking place , under the aegis of ex-President Jimmy Carter , in Atlanta , Georgia .
25 And even Harry , 73 , of Huskisson Street , admits there are a few similarities .
26 Erm and let's say there are a few a few awkward ones here er who do n't think any of them
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