Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] be [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One thing these workless weeks in Venice have taught me is that I need my profession .
2 No I tell you why I chucked them is because they 're a better make are n't they , K P ?
3 But one incident that amused me was that I was booked for a coffee commercial and the producer phoned me up the night before the session to let me know the track we were doing , because he said he wanted to get it as close to the original as he possibly could .
4 The first thing I said to the commissioning editors when I met them is that I would not commission one programme .
5 The problem with using them is that they may produce a self-fulfilling prophecy .
6 ‘ What angers me is that they were on a government controlled game reserve and planned it carefully .
7 ‘ However , what upsets me is that I have heard unconfirmed rumours that some of the riders were threatening to pull out if I were put in the third row of the grid as was at first planned .
8 ‘ He thinks the ministry is an affectation and a waste of time , and on the other hand he thinks priests should be very good , and he does n't think I am because he 's known me for so long , so he 's annoyed with me .
9 I mean I am but I mean I like fish er
10 I still ca n't read him ; I 'm not able to tell whether he thinks this is likely or not , whether he thinks this is evidence I 'm not his man or he still thinks I am but I had help .
11 Monsieur thinks I am but I know Madame Duvalle does n't agree .
12 The only way people will trust me is if I give them a signed piece of paper with my address on . ’
13 What worries me is that they may break down the wall scrambling over it .
14 What worries me is that it is not going to end there .
15 ‘ The one thing that worries me is that I do n't think he cares .
16 Erm , this is something that I 've spoken with about over a long period and what really has concerned me is that we 've two red signals , both facing the traffic and children and blind people could be crossing thinking the traffic had held up , and when I or detecting we rely on our own engineers maybe going round that way , maybe the police or public reporting it .
17 ‘ You did n't know I was after it as well , did you ? ’
18 I can see that perhaps if they want to have a er they may feel they need to stray into other boundaries but I did feel that when I read what Huntingdon district council proposed which was if you like , to completely re-drawing the electoral map for the entire county I was n't actually looking at something that was designed to deal with the interests of the citizens of Huntingdon district council , I was looking at the straightforward political proposal which would be far better to come from a political party than from a district council .
19 Oh she 's do you know she 's and she 'll do as she , she 'll do as she pleases .
20 She used to say , say , phone up and say she was and I used to say well where give me the address , just anything happens to us
21 Well the reason they caught him was cos they 've got just flashed him through the computers as and find out what anyway , put it down they then turn round say oh well , you know whatever they 're
22 The only thing that stopped him was that he could n't decide exactly what the problem was .
23 And her only reason for distrusting him was that she distrusted Alexander , a feeling almost certainly shared by the majority of people who had ever met him .
24 ‘ But why I mentioned her was that I heard by chance that she has married again . ’
25 Christ , how long has it been since I … ?
26 How long has it been since I got a present from a girl ?
27 And Corner well er it it 's turned full circle has it were when we came and then er there were other firms they did away with some part of the shop .
28 ‘ I expect it 's because he 's a clergyman , or was , miss . ’
29 ‘ I expect it 's because I 'm writing and it takes longer , ’ Maggie confessed with a shrug .
30 ‘ I expect it 's because you 're my stepbrother , ’ Jenna said sarcastically .
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